The Wonder Book of Horses $13.50$29.50


“The eighteen stories in this volume have been chosen with a thought to their educative value as well as for the intrinsic charm of the original narratives, which in various forms have delighted many generations of readers. All have a literary interest connecting them with subjects with which every educated person is supposed to be familiar.

“While you are reading this wonder-book of horses and finding entertainment in the biographies of winged steeds and war horses, of knights-errant and godlike heroes, you are really doing something more–you are making acquaintance with some of those wonderful and beautiful conceptions which in the form of classic literature have come down to us through the ages.” – from the introduction by the author.

Additional information
Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .4 in

James Baldwin


Living Press Books

Date Published



Paperback, Hardcover

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