(PRE-ORDER) Thoroughness and Charm $29.95

What should the classroom, culture, and spirit of the classroom be like? And how can you know you’re doing it well?

In this new book from Mandi Gerth, you will find the guidance you need to create a truly classical classroom.

Thoroughness and Charm gives specific examples on how shared experiences—not activities—build culture, support the curriculum, and pass on the classical tradition while habituating the students to what is true and good for their souls.

After reading this book, teachers will be able to:

  • understand the role of culture in education
  • evaluate their classroom culture
  • determine what they value most about the curriculum they teach
  • understand how formative practices shape what students love
  • build classroom culture by focusing on shared experiences, common language, and embodied values
  • and use liturgy, prayer, music, poetry, read-alouds, and catechisms to build classroom culture.
Final cover may differ slightly
Additional information
Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 8 × 5 × .3 in



Mandi Gerth


CiRCE Institute



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