Well-Ordered Language: 3B – Student Edition $32.50

A one-semester course for grades 5 or 6 and up

The previous level, Well-Ordered Language Level 2, aided students in mastering the eight parts of speech, along with prepositional phrases; compound elements; subject, object, possessive, interrogative, and relative pronouns; compound sentences; and relative clauses. Any student who has mastered these concepts should be prepared for Well-Ordered Language Level 3. In Book 3B, students will review and strengthen skills already learned in previous levels and in Book 3A while also being introduced to several new concepts. Students will also continue to develop their understanding of diagramming sentences, visualizing the grammatical relationships within increasingly complex sentences. Well-Ordered Language Level 3B (WOL 3B) will introduce students to:

  • Sentence diagramming
  • Adverbial elements: adverbs, interrogative adverbs, adverbial prepositional phrases, and adverbial noun phrases
  • Adverbial clauses
  • Reflexive pronouns
  • Verbals: participles, gerunds, and infinitives
  • Types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex

Well-Ordered Language Full Series Scope & Sequence (PDF)

Well-Ordered Language Level 3B Suggested Schedule (PDF)

Well-Ordered Language Homeschooler’s Guide (PDF)

Adapting Well-Ordered Language for Homeschool (blog post)

Additional information
Weight .7 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .7 in
Publication Date



Tammy Peters and Daniel Coupland, PhD


Classical Academic Press




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