Wild Animals at Home $16.50$30.95


Yellowstone National Park is the home to many of North America’s most incredible animals. If they’re careful, and lucky, a visitor may see anything from a coyote to a bear, bats to beavers, skunks, and so many more. Learn about these fascinating creatures and their homes as Ernest Thompson-Seton shares his observations in Wild Animals at Home.

“I have aimed to show something of the little aspects of the creatures’ lives, which are those that the ordinary will see; I go with him indeed, pointing out my friends as they chance to pass, adding a few comments that should make for a better acquaintance on all sides. And I have offered glimpses, wherever possible, of the wild thing in its home.”

This edition features hundreds of photos and sketches by the author and his friends, illustrating the lives and antics of these amazing creatures.

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Ernest Thompson Seton


Living Press Books

Date Published



Paperback, Hardcover

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