You Have a Calling: Finding Your Vocation in the True, Good, and Beautiful

By: Karen Swallow Prior


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Some people are lucky enough to get paid to do what they love. But many are not. What if your vocation doesn’t align with your passion?In You Have a Calling, award-winning author Karen Swallow Prior has encouraging news: If we pursue the good, true, and beautiful in all our work, we will find our greatest fulfillment.


Product Description

In an age when passion and calling are often confused, Prior helps readers understand that passions come from within, while our calling, or vocation, comes from without and is about being called by others to serve. That crucial distinction can help us understand how God can use both our passions and our work, even if for different purposes.

This book will appeal to everyone who wants to know that their daily work, ordinary though it may be, can fulfill a higher calling to God. Readers will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing they are created for virtue in all they do because they are created in the image of God.

1. Questions
2. Work
3. Passion
4. Definitions
5. Calling
6. The Transcendentals
7. The True
8. The Good
9. The Beautiful


Additional Information

Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 1 in



Karen Swallow Prior

Date Published



Brazos Press



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