The ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series is a collection of journaling Bibles meant to celebrate the treasure of God's Word through the artistic talents of his people. These Bibles feature commissioned cover artwork designed by Christian artists such as Peter Voth, Ruth Chou Simons, and Joshua Noom. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a particular biblical theme or passage, setting a tone of awe as readers engage with the Bible.
Illustrating the Proverbs of Solomon
After a brief though brilliant career (in which he rendered important political services to the cause of Protestantism), Maurice was killed in the battle of Sievershausen, in his thirty-second year. He had enjoyed his electorate about five years. His brother succeeded him, for his only son had died before him. One little daughter, Anna, survived him. She was afterward married, with great pomp and show, to the celebrated William the Silent, Prince of Orange.
The Young Burning Hearts Series is a series of fascinating independent stories for young and old of faithfulness in trying times.
By: Deborah Alcock
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) spoke with great insight into every field of learning known to the ancient world. This included ethics and the arts, two topics of keen interest to ancient Greeks.
This volume contains two of his most significant works on these subjects.
By: Aristotle
The ninteenth book in the beloved, bestselling
Redwall saga.
By: Brian Jacques
Next to
Eusebius is the most widely-consulted reference work on the early church. Much of our knowledge of the first three centuries of Christianity—the terrible persecutions, the courageous martyrs, and the theological controversies—come from the writings of this first century historian.
By: Eusebius,
Translated by Paul Maier
Evaluating Books teaches principles of economics and government in bite-sized nuggets, and gives indicators for spotting the philosophical slant of most writers and media commentators on the subjects of law, history, economics and literature.
By: Richard J. Maybury

Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie is an epic poem by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, written in English and published in 1847. The poem follows an Acadian girl named Evangeline and her search for her lost love Gabriel, set during the time of the Expulsion of the Acadians.
"Evangeline" is considered Longfellow's masterpiece among his longer poems. It is said to have been the author's favorite. It has a universal popularity, having been translated into many languages. E.C. Stedman styles it the "Flower of American Idyls." "Evangeline" is a Narrative poem, since it tells a story.
Some of the world's greatest poems have been of this kind, notably the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" of Homer, and the "Aeneid," of Virgil. It may be also classified as an Idyl, which is a simple, pastoral poem of no great length. Poetry has been defined as "impassioned expression in verse or metrical form." All modern English poetry has metre, and much of it rhyme. By metre is meant a regular recurrence of accented syllables among unaccented syllables. "Evangeline" is written in what is called hexameter.
This edition includes introduction, notes and plan of study.
By: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Ed. W. F. Conover
From the Publisher:
‘The greatest act of service is to share the gospel with an unconverted person.’
Throughout the Bible there is a sense of urgency in evangelism. If God can urgently plead with people to turn from their sin to receive forgiveness and eternal life, why wouldn’t we echo His heart and cry?
Filled from start to finish with inspiring anecdotes from a lifetime of evangelism, Evangelistic Living is a powerful, practical and motivational book that will help rekindle or even, perhaps, fire your evangelistic witness for the first time.
By: Roger Carswell
The Bible is often summarized as creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. But we're destined for more! From the beginning, God's story has been headed toward consummation and glory. Guthrie traces nine themes that reveal God's plan for a new creation that's far more magnificent than the original---and explains how to recognize signs of it now.
By: Nancy Guthrie
Johann Sebastian Bach created what may be the most celestial and profound body of music in history; Frederick the Great built the colossus we now know as Germany, and along with it a template for modern warfare. Their fleeting encounter in 1757 signals a unique moment in history where belief collided with the cold certainty of reason. Set at the tipping point between the ancient and modern world, Evening in the Palace of Reason captures the tumult of the eighteenth century, the legacy of the Reformation, and the birth of the Enlightenment in this extraordinary tale of two men.
By: Gaines, James R.
A picture book by Caldecott medal winner Matt Cordell about a timid squirrel who makes a brave journey to help a relative who is ill.
By: Matthew Cordell
With his inimitable style and keen eye for detail, Wangerin remembers his own story and gives it to us as an everlasting testament to the faithfulness of God.
By: Walter Wangerin Jr.
Each autumn, just before the onset of winter, a bear shows up in the rugged woodland, interacting with birds, foxes, and other animals, and preparing for his long hibernation.
By: Jim Arnosky
Previously available only in leather-bound hardcover or flexible leather binding, a new gift edition of Every Moment Holy Volume One has arrived this fall. The new, smaller format includes all liturgies from Volume One plus a brand-new illustration by Ned Bustard for “A Liturgy Before Taking the Stage.”
By: Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Every Moment Holy is a book of liturgies for the ordinary events of daily life–liturgies such as “A Liturgy for Feasting with Friends” or “A Liturgy for Laundering” or “A Liturgy for the First Hearthfire of the Season.” This Pocket Edition is smaller in size and made with a flexible cover.
By: Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Drawing on the prayers available in Douglas Kaine McKelvey’s best-selling series, the Every Moment Holy Prayer Journal is a companion for developing your own personal rhythms of practicing the presence of God.
By: Douglas Kaine McKelvey