Share the Learning and Living DVD set with Your Friends!
Whether you want to get together to watch and discuss Learning and Living with friends or make it available in your homeschool library, make sure you have extra notebooks on hand so each participant can have her own copy (one notebook is included with the DVD set). The 190-page notebook is an important part of the seminar, guiding each viewer through all of the practical sessions, giving valuable samples for a living education, and providing plenty of space to record important notes and narrations.
When you purchase extra notebooks, you get the public performance rights that are needed for a group showing. Learning and Living notebooks are available in either printed or e-book format for your convenience. (When purchasing e-books, remember to purchase one for each person.) Purchase 10 or more notebooks in the same order and get a 10% bulk order discount!
We love to travel and present our workshops live, but when we can’t get to your area, hosting your own DVD event is a great option.
In this novel Grace Irwin has brought into vital focus the kind of religious conflict that anyone concerned with both reason and faith cannot long avoid. Her main concern is with a human being — Andrew Connington — and the human problem — belief and unbelief.
First published in 1855 and extended by the author over the course of more than three decades, Leaves of Grass embodies Walt Whitman's lifetime ambition to create a new voice that could capture the spirit and vibrancy of the young American nation, while celebrating at the same time Nature without check with original energy.
Three children, orphaned at an early age and living with a governess, are suddenly sent for by an older step-brother who lives in the country. Steeped in Arthurian legends, Gypsy, the youngest of the three children, is convinced that the Holy Grail, or ‘Holy Thing’ as she calls it, is hidden somewhere on their brother’s estate. When she does actually find the ‘Holy Thing’, it is not quite what she has expected. Reminiscent of W.G. VandeHulst, this book is sure to endear itself to parents as well as to young children.
Thirteen-year-old Boone Mason came face to face with the buck of a lifetime. Would he find the faith to believe he could make the shot or would he believe the old man who taunted him in his dreams, telling him he didn’t have what it takes to bring the buck down?
Elmo Tardy is always getting lost. But one day he stumbles into the office of Legends & Leagues, Ltd.
There he meets the spindly Mr. Longitude and stout Mr. Latitude, who teach him the concepts of maps, points on the compass, and more.
Ready to travel with the ever-adventurous Mr. Latitude and Mr. Longitude?
Join the two gentleman in this storybook as they venture to the East to defeat the evil bunyip with the help of a sweet girl named Momochan.