
Why the call to Love Thy Body? To counter a pervasive hostility toward the body and biology that drives today's headline stories:
Transgenderism: Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to kindergarten are being taught their bodies are irrelevant. Is this affirming--or does it demean the body?
Homosexuality: Advocates disconnect sexuality from biological identity. Is this liberating--or does it denigrate biology?
Abortion: Supporters deny the fetus is a person, though it is biologically human. Does this mean equality for women--or does it threaten the intrinsic value of all humans?
Euthanasia: Those who lack certain cognitive abilities are said to be no longer persons. Is this compassionate--or does it ultimately put everyone at risk?
In Love Thy Body, bestselling author Nancy Pearcey goes beyond politically correct slogans with a riveting exposé of the dehumanizing worldview that shapes current watershed moral issues.
Pearcey then turns the tables on media boilerplate that misportrays Christianity as harsh or hateful. A former agnostic, she makes a surprising and persuasive case that Christianity is holistic, sustaining the dignity of the body and biology.
Throughout she entrances readers with compassionate stories of people wrestling with hard questions in their own lives--their pain, their struggles, their triumphs.
"Liberal secularist ideology rests on a mistake and Nancy Pearcey in her terrific new book puts her finger right on it. In embracing abortion, euthanasia, homosexual conduct and relationships, transgenderism, and the like, liberal secularism . . . is philosophically as well as theologically untenable."--Robert P. George, Princeton University
"Wonderful guide."--Sam Allberry, author, Is God Anti-Gay?
"A must-read."--Rosaria Butterfield, former professor, Syracuse University; author, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
"An astute but accessible analysis of the intellectual roots of the most important moral ills facing us today: abortion, euthanasia, and redefining the family."--Richard Weikart, California State University, Stanislaus
"Highly readable, insightful, and informative."--Mary Poplin, Claremont Graduate University; author, Is Reality Secular?
"Unmasks the far-reaching practical consequences of mind-body dualism better than anyone I have ever seen."--Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president, The Ruth Institute
"Love Thy Body richly enhances the treasure box that is Pearcey's collective work."--Glenn T. Stanton, Focus on the Family
"Essential reading . . . Love Thy Body brings clarity and understanding to the multitude of complex and confusing views in discussions about love and sexuality."--Becky Norton Dunlop, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
"Pearcey gets straight to the issue of our day: What makes humans valuable in the first place? You must get this book. Don't just read it. Master it."--Scott Klusendorf, president, Life Training Institute
By: Pearcey, Nancy
In Love What Lasts, Joshua Gibbs offers readers a wide-angle view of contemporary culture, explains how we got here, and invites readers to reconsider the role which old books, old music, and old films might play in their lives and lives of their families. In a society which is helplessly addicted to the next big thing, loving things which last is real deliverance.
By: Joshua Gibbs
Learn a new poem with this simple colouring activity.
This multi-layered romance set in the perilous days of World Wars I and II, where gods hold the fates--and the hearts--of four mortals in their hands.
By: Julie Berry
Lowercase Letter Crafts features 26 colorful cut-and-paste animal crafts from A(ardvark) to Z(ebu).
Lucia is taking a trip through Chile with her grandfather on his yellow bus. First they travel to the southern tip of South America to see the Magellanic penguins. Then they go east to the Aconcagua mountain. But Lucia's grandfather becomes very sick. During their travels Lucia learns about her country and also about life.
By: Nam-joong Kim,
Eun-min Jeong
Full of warmth and good humour, the happy simplicity of childhood is captured in this richly illustrated, classic picture book about two young children’s first experience of school.
By: Shirley Hughes
From the creator of Dogger, Shirley Hughes, this timeless book of seaside fun has every element of a wonderful day at the seaside.
From paddling to picnics, from sandcastles to beach games - this is the perfect book for summer celebrations.
By: Shirley Hughes
Lucy and Tom know a lot of words: they have Books read to them at Bedtime. They know that D is for Dog, like the dogs that live on their street, F is for Friends, and P is for Park and for Playing.
Join Lucy and Tom on a journey through their life, in this satisfying alphabet tale from master storyteller, Shirley Hughes.
By: Shirley Hughes
One morning, very early ... one little girl called Lucy fast asleep in bed, with one very special teddy tucked in beside her. Lucy's little brother Tom is the first to wake up, and tugs at her quilt. Now there are two children, wide awake and ready for the day!
A story with numbers, as Lucy and Tom go through their day, exploring their world, counting, sharing and learning as they go.
By: Shirley Hughes
Lucy’s Christmas by Donald Hall tells the story of Lucy Wells and her family’s preparations for Christmas.
This delightful description of a family’s Christmas celebration is accompanied by detailed illustrations that capture the spirit of the New England winter.
By: Donald Hall
Take your children back to 1910 for an old-fashioned New England summer in the country, complete with a July Fourth parade.
Poet laureate Donald Hall (author of
The Ox-Cart Man and other classics of country life) grew up spending his summers on his grandfather’s farm in rural New Hampshire. It was there he milked cows, raised sheep, and heard stories about the past that are brought to life in this read-aloud picture book for young children.
By: Donald Hall
Opal Wheeler captures the superb quality of musical greatness of Beethoven and communicates it to boys and girls—a stirring tribute to the greatest composer of all.
By: Opal Wheeler
Acclaimed science writer Seymour Simon explores the important journey that air takes in and out of your lungs.
By: Seymour Simon
From the Publisher:
With hindsight, key moments in history that seemed momentary at the time can come to be incredibly iconic. Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to a church door in Wittenberg 500 years ago is such a moment.
In Luther and the 9.5 Theses, Kenneth Brownell explains how Luther came to write the 95 Theses and why making them public was such a turning point in church history. Kenneth also encourages us to recognise that the church today faces challenges that call for a similar return to biblical truths. He draws out 9 (and a half!) key points from the 95 Theses that are crucial for us to uphold if we want to be faithful to Christ and His gospel. This is a fast paced look back at one of the defining moments of Christian history, and a challenging look ahead to show how we can stand for the truth of the Bible.
By: Kenneth Brownell
A Story of the Reformation
Hours and hours Fritz and I spoke of Dr. Luther and what he had done for us both — more, perhaps, for Fritz than even for me, because he had suffered more. It seems to me as if we, and thousands besides in the world, had been worshipping before an altar picture of our Saviour, which we had been told was painted by a great master after a heavenly pattern. But all we could see was a grim, hard, stern countenance of one sitting on a judgment throne . . . Then suddenly we heard Dr. Luther’s voice behind us, saying, in his ringing tones — “Friends, what are you doing? That is not the right painting. These are only the boards that hide the master’s picture.”
By: Elizabeth Rundle Charles