From the publisher: “A happy man thrills a group of farm animals when he takes them for a joy ride in his dump truck. This book is a true classic illustrated by the inimitable Tibor Gergely.”
By: Miryam
A haunting, magical fairy-tale collection, in which Oscar Wilde beautifully evokes (among others) The Happy Prince who was not so happy after all, The Selfish Giant who learned to love little children and The Star Child who did not love his parents as much as he should.
By: Oscar Wilde
Convinced that a critical part of education is to foster in our children a love of the beautiful and true, teacher and writer Laura Berquist presents this wide selection of poetry for every age level from grades one to twelve.
By: Laura M. Berquist
A captivating story of grief, redemption, and the true cost of forgetting the past.
By: Charles Dickens
$12.50 – $27.50
The Haven Companion is intended to be used alongside the chapter book,
The Growly Books: Haven, a stand-alone book in The Growly Books series.
By: Philip and Erin Ulrich
Michael approaches the topic of giftedness from a variety of angles in the thirty-nine essays in this book. Many of the essays focus on advocacy for appropriate educational experiences for gifted children, but there are also essays that simply describe some of the world’s greatest gifted thinkers and talents. Together, the essays offer a multifaceted look at giftedness in a way that no single essay could do.
By: Michael Clay Thompson

It is perilous to be a Catholic in the Ireland of 1735, and almost more than can be borne for fifteen-year-old Padraic Fitzbrian. Nearly 100 years before, Lord Protector Cromwell of England had put down the Irish rebellion—confiscating lands, killing priests, outlawing the Mass and prohibiting education of any kind for Irish Catholics. Padraic and his two friends, Liam and Rose, are in their last year as scholars in the forbidden and risky “all-weathers” classroom under the hedgerow.
Fiery Padraic, whose family lands had been seized so long before, chafes under the injustice as though it were yesterday, making trouble for himself and those around him. Liam, as determined a patriot, holds the hope of being able to fight for his people’s freedom in an entirely different way. And warm-hearted Rose, gifted with pluck, is also—thankfully—rich in good sense. Behind the scenes, a mysterious figure called the “Kestrel” stirs the fires of Irish identity, and Padraic longs to do as much. Harmless adventures mount into dangerous trouble as the three young people strive, in each new difficulty, to take hold of the faith and patience that brings freedom amidst the worst tyranny.
Gloria Whelan is a National Book Award winner for Young People’s Literature and author of many books, including The Miracle of St. Nicholas.
By: Gloria Whelan
This catechism is well known for its pastoral language and instruction. Faithfully used by millions, it has stood the test of time and remains one of the best tools for learning what it means to be a Christian.
By: G. I. Williamson
A baby girl has just been born King Crispin and Queen Cedar. She is Catkin, the heir to the throne of Mistmantle. Everyone on the island gathers for the joyful celebration of the Naming Ceremony. But that night the princess mysteriously disappears.
By: M.I. McAllister
These three Greek legends were been retold by the incomparable Charles Kingsley for his own children, and now you can share them with yours.
By: Charles Kingsley
$13.50 – $29.50
Eleonore, Lady of Castle Bretten, has been alienated from her friends and allies by false rumours spread by her nephew, General Lucas von Ruprecht, Count of Zamosc. When Guido, a young Protestant, comes to live at the castle, he wins the love and trust of Lady Eleonore and Felix, the General’s son. With lots of excitement and action Guido and Felix uncover a plot to gain control of the castle.
By: Margaret S. Comrie
Sophie, Hattie, and Owen stumble across an adorable cottage hidden in the woods in this eighteenth charming book of The Adventures of Sophie Mouse!
By: Poppy Green
Amidst great mystery, Hugh is left in the care of Glastonbury Abbey by his father who must flee England too swiftly to be burdened by a crippled son. Ashamed of his physical weakness, yet possessed of a stout heart, Hugh finds that life at the abbey is surprisingly full in this year 1171, in the turbulent days of King Henry II. Hugh, his friend Dickon and their strange friend, the mad Bleheris, uncover a treasure trove and with it a deeper mystery of the sort that could only occur in Glastonbury where Joseph of Arimithea was said to have lived out his last years. Before all is done, more is resolved than Hugh could ever have hoped.
A Newbery Honor winner.
Illustrated by Frederick Chapman.
By: Eleanore M. Jewett
“I pray that God forgive them...”
Here is a book aglow with the glory of God and the courage of a quiet Christian spinster whose life was transformed by it. A story of Christ’s message and the courage woman who listened and lived to pass it along—with joy and triumph!
By: Corrie Ten Boom
It is 1650 in New France. The tragic fire that destroyed their home has left twelve-year-old Justine and her younger brother, Denis, orphaned and at the mercy of their neighbour, the brutal Monsieur Gaudin.He wants Justine for his wife and she will do anything to escape that fate; Denis will do anything to stay with Justine. They decide they must flee to a place Monsieur Gaudin will never find them. But how will they survive in the treacherous Quebec wilderness?
By: Lyn Cook
"Every experience God gives us . . . is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see."—Corrie ten Boom
Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of Hitler's concentration camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century.
By: Corrie Ten Boom