Latin for Children: Primer A × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Answer Key × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Activity Book × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - History Reader × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Instructional Videos (Streaming) × 1
Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Student Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 – Teacher's Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Audio Files × 1
Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse × 1 What’s the Place Value × 1 How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? × 1 Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 × 1
Latin for Children: Primer A × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Answer Key × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Activity Book × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - History Reader × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Instructional Videos (Streaming) × 1
Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Student Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 – Teacher's Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Audio Files × 1
Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse × 1 What’s the Place Value × 1 How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? × 1 Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 × 1
Latin for Children: Primer A × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Answer Key × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Activity Book × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - History Reader × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Instructional Videos (Streaming) × 1
Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Student Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 – Teacher's Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Audio Files × 1
Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse × 1 What’s the Place Value × 1 How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? × 1 Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 × 1
Latin for Children: Primer A × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Answer Key × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Activity Book × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - History Reader × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Instructional Videos (Streaming) × 1
Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Student Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 – Teacher's Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Audio Files × 1
Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse × 1 What’s the Place Value × 1 How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? × 1 Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 × 1
From the Publisher
For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. (John 5:46) Jesus's declaration that Moses wrote of him frames this study of four books of the PentateuchExodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy as we discover the many ways that Moses spoke about Christ. Seasoned Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie shows that the Bible's story from beginning to end is the story of the Lamb the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
The Lame Little Prince by Dinah Maria Mulock tells the story of a little prince named Dolor who cannot use his legs. The young prince is able to see the world with a magic travelling cloak given to him by a fairy godmother, and on his travels he learns wisdom and compassion.
"The land I love was lost to me forever."
Huynh Quang Nhuong grew up in the highlands of Vietnam, next to the jungle teeming with wildlife. Encounters with tigers, wild hogs, and deadly snakes were as much a part of his life as tending the rice fields while on the back of his pet water buffalo, Tank.
James Daugherty draws on the Pilgrims' own journals to give a fresh and moving account of their life and traditions, their quest for religious freedom, and the founding of one of our nation's most beloved holidays; Thanksgiving.
Cicero called Herodotus "the father of history," and his only work, The Histories, is considered the first true piece of historical writing in Western literature.
Thucydides called his account of two decades of war between Athens and Sparta “a possession for all time,” and indeed it is the first and still the most famous work in the Western historical tradition.
Considered essential reading for generals, statesmen, and liberally educated citizens for more than 2,000 years, The Peloponnesian War is a mine of military, moral, political, and philosophical wisdom.
The last of the Roman army have set sail and left Britain forever, abandoning it to civil war and the threat of a Saxon invasion. Aquila, a young Legionnaire, deserted his regiment to stay behind with his family, but his home and all that he loves are destroyed. Years of hardship and fighting follow, and in the end, there is only one thing left in Aquila's life—his thirst for revenge...
Twelve-year-old Kit Haverard is the only daughter of an absent-minded, scholarly Quaker father. Along with three older brothers who are currently away at school, dreamy, untidy Kit has been raised by their young, energetic cousin Laura. Ever since the death of Professor Haverard’s wife, Laura has given herself to maintaining an ordered life for her uncle, conscientiously caring for his children, but also jealously “protecting” him from the day to day affairs of the household. Though Kit is a frustration to her orderly cousin, a stranger to her father and a puzzle to herself, she finds comfort in the realm of make-believe—in books and in time shared with her close friends Pony and Helen. Her world begins to expand when, after an illness, she goes to stay with members of her mother’s family whom she has never met. To her own amazement, Kit discovers within herself a deep love for music and—as a person and as a singer—she begins to raise her voice.
A Green Ember story set during Heather and Picket’s arrival at Cloud Mountain, The Last Archer follows the journey of Jo Shanks. Jo is a gifted archer with a burden on his back and a fire within. Eager to see the Longtreaders receive justice, he travels from his Halfwind Citadel home to a Cloud Mountain poised on the brink of war. What he finds there will confront his convictions and test his resolve as the war begins and King Jupiter’s heir is revealed. A kingdom in the balance. An arrow aimed at the heart of darkness.
This is the first book in the set that takes place during the main storyline but is written from Jo Shanks' perspective.
A Green Ember story set during Heather and Picket’s arrival at Cloud Mountain, The Last Archer follows the journey of Jo Shanks. Jo is a gifted archer with a burden on his back and a fire within.
A full-color paperback edition of The Last Battle, book seven in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with full-color cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.
Don Juan of Austria, one of history’s most triumphant and inspiring heroes, is reborn in this opulent novel by Louis de Wohl.
Because of the circumstances of his birth, this last son of Emperor Charles the Fifth spent his childhood in a Spanish peasant’s hut. Acknowledged by King Philip as his half-brother, the attractive youth quickly became a central figure in a Court where intrigues and romances abounded. Don Juan’s intelligence, kindness and devout attachment to the Church enabled him to live unscathed in an environment of luxury, violence and treachery.
In his final quest, Gilgamesh, still mourning the death of his dear friend Enkidu, sets out to find the key to immortality. His journey is perilous. He must fight ferocious serpents and wild lions. He travels through bitterly cold caves, across scorching deserts, and over the fatal waters of the Sea of Death. Finally, he arrives at the palace of Utnapishtim, the only human who knows the secret of immortality. Utnapishtim sets Gilgamesh a test to stay away for six days and seven nights, but Gilgamesh fails. His last hope, a flower of eternal youth, is eaten by the goddess Ishtar, who exacts her revenge. Finally, Enkidu comes from the underworld to show Gilgamesh true immortality: the king will be remembered for his good deeds, courage, and love for his people.
Latin for Children: Primer A × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Answer Key × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Activity Book × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - History Reader × 1 Latin for Children: Primer A - Instructional Videos (Streaming) × 1
Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Student Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 – Teacher's Edition × 1 Writing and Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis, Part 1 - Audio Files × 1
Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse × 1 What’s the Place Value × 1 How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? × 1 Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 × 1