Where was Annalee? When Mother looked in Annalee’s special place behind Father’s desk in the study, Annalee was gone. She had gone with Peter to play in the pasture. But she left without telling Father and Mother. Out in the pasture Annalee and Peter ran off to play and explore. Together they discovered the rockity rowboat. With each thoughtless step, Annalee was further from the safety of home, more and more lost.
By: W.G. Van de Hulst
The twenty-second book in the beloved, bestselling
Redwall saga.
By: Brian Jacques
By: Rosemary Sutcliff
A Tale of the Renaissance
Raymond felt the force of the last argument. Besides, he could not contend the point; his schoolfellow had him in his power. A little water from the crystal flask that lay on the table, a fine white kerchief from the looms of Cambray, and a pair of gentle, firm, skilful hands soon accomplished the task. Theodore’s words sometimes missed their aim, and hurt where they meant to heal, his fingers never. Their very form — long, slender, sensitive — evidenced at once fineness of perception and exquisite dexterity.
Meanwhile the schoolfellows talked of the unfair and dastardly conduct of the Nicoloti, and formed plans of revenge. What they said was commonplace enough, but they speedily established a friendly understanding with each other. "I had not known you were destined to be a physician," said Raymond. "Is not that to sacrifice your genius and your learning?"
By: Deborah Alcock
Penelope’s artistic spirit captures the essence of Christmas in the picturesque village of Tideshead, where a magical Christmas card unfolds a tale of love, friendship, and festive wonder.
By: Kate Douglas Wiggins
$10.50 – $25.50
Usborne has done it again. This is considered to be a primary text to be used in conjunction with the Veritas history flashcards. So full of facts, you could study it for a year and still not have found them all. Virtually identical to The Usborne Illustrated World History: The Romanswith exceptional web links added.
By: Anthony Marks
EARLY CHRISTIANITY reader is a selection of patristic works from the early church. It was designed to complement The Romans: Early Christianity, a unit in the
Old Western Culture curriculum, and
includes all the assigned readings in one volume! As with all units of
Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the
free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.

The Romans: Early Christianity introduces students to the writings of the post-apostolic authors and their historical context. Learn about the persecutions of the early Christians and how they held fast to the faith as chronicled by the historian Eusebius. As the Church becomes more established, learn how early theologians defended the faith against various false doctrines, as was the case with Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyon. Learn about the writings of The Apologists, Clement of Alexandria, and Justin Martyr, as well as one of the earliest Christian text after the close of the Canon, the Didache.
The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.
NICENE CHRISTIANITY Reader is a selection of patristic works from the early church. It is designed to complement The Romans: Nicene Christianity, a unit in the
Old Western Culture curriculum, and
includes all the assigned readings in one volume! As with all units of
Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the
free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.

Romans: Nicene Christianity introduces students to the creeds and councils of the early Church and the fascinating story of how they came about. Wesley Callihan guides students through Augustine’s Confessions and City of God, and selections from John Chrysostom, Athanasius, and Boethius. Learn how the late Roman Christians viewed themselves as the last remnants of Paganism fell, and the Christian defence mounted by Augustine against the accusations that Rome fell because she abandoned the Pagan gods. Learn how Athanasius influenced the Council of Nicea as the Church gathered to discuss the deity of Christ.
The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.
By: Roman Roads Media
The Aeneid Reader covers all the readings required for The Aeneid unit of Old Western Culture, including all of Vergil’s Aeneid, as well as portions of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and other minor Roman poets.
THE HISTORIANS READER is a selection from the most famous works written by the historians of the ancient Roman Empire. It is designed to complement Romans: The Historians, a unit in the
Old Western Culture curriculum, and
includes all the assigned readings in one volume! As with all units of
Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the
free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.
Melisande, a girl with actors’ blood in her veins, finds life dreary; her family runs a London inn, “The Rose and Crown.” Then, in November 1849, Rafael le Marre arrives, bringing Mel’s lost cousin Toby with him. Unexpected experiences swirl in Rafael’s wake: Mel meets Catherine Ayre and mischievous Charley the sweeper. Meanwhile, Raf stirs up the trouble that is native to his frank character. Several necessary resolutions must occur before Raf and company set out again for Letzenstein.
This is the fourth Book in the Letzenstein Chronicles.
By: Meriol Trevor
13-year old Matt is spending the holidays at the dilapidated Woodhall mansion where his spirited step-sister Caroline works as cook. In a faded rose garden Matt meets Alix, proud old Madame Ayre's granddaughter, and is introduced to the tension-filled relationship between the embittered mother and her crippled son Theo. Matt must learn to judge character rather than appearances as Theo strives to turn the house into a home for orphans. Alix, through her willful foolishness, puts Theo's life in danger and brings a dramatic confrontation: Christian hope versus fatal self-pride.
A timeless book with a fast-paced plot and vivid characters.
By: Meriol Trevor
For more than a thousand years, from A.D. 500 to 1700, the medieval kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay grew rich on the gold, salt, and slave trade that stretched across Africa.
By: Patricia and Fredrick McKissack
The inspirational work that has been guiding Benedictine monks for fifteen centuries.
By: St. Benedict,
Edited and Translated by Carolinne White