Getting Started: Tips for New Homeschoolers
Making the decision to homeschool is often the most difficult part of the entire process. Once you’re in, you’ll want to set a firm foundation with these highly recommended books. It can be challenging to see beyond the traditional school model, but these books will help you cast a vision and give you the courage you need. If you are a beginner in the homeschooling journey, below are some quick but effective tips for new homeschoolers.
Teaching from Rest
Awaking Wonder
For The Children’s Sake
Homeschool Community
New homeschool families often wonder who will make up their community. You might need to do some research, ask around, or maybe just go and hang out at a local educational attraction during school hours.
Also, consider bringing grandparents into your support system. If they are unsure about their new role as a grandparent of homeschoolers, let them know about this blog post.
Want more tips for new homeschoolers? Continue reading.
Deschooling, also called unschooling, is simply a process of untangling beliefs about education and decompressing from the pressure of traditional school.
The best way to do that is through field trips, library visits, conversations, nature walks/study, reading aloud to your children, and doing school work while in your pajamas.
New homeschooling families need time to evaluate their beliefs about education, discover how their children learn best, and even how their child’s day should look.
Deschooling includes coming together and learning as a family, discovering your child’s interests, and embracing a new lifestyle. Take weeks or even months to move through this stage.
Once you are ready to introduce the curriculum, Beautiful Feet Books has incredible resources that are perfect for that delicate stage of transitioning from a traditional school mindset to a homeschooling one.
Ease Into Homeschooling
Some families prefer to ease into homeschooling by using a traditional workbook approach. Master Books resources are ideal for new homeschool families who are feeling wobbly about completely abandoning the structure and set-up of traditional schools. The workbooks are straightforward, easy to use, and cover a variety of subjects and grade levels.
Still Overwhelmed?
Start with books and specifically reading aloud! Yes, even to your readers. This is actually one of our favorite tips for new homeschoolers. Reading aloud is a relationship builder. Check out our free read-aloud booklist and get started right away. We also have a free read-aloud planner.
Need more convincing and help getting started with read-aloud? Grab any of these books and you’ll be well on your way.
Give Your Child the World
Honey for a Child’s Heart
The Read-Aloud Family
Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook
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Contact the office and book a Curriculum Consultation with Hester.
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