Aristotle’s Rhetoric $10.75

Grades 10-12 (REQUIRED supplement to Classical Rhetoric)
Aristotle’s Rhetoric concerns itself with the art of persuasion. This is a required text for Memoria Press’ Classical Rhetoric

From the publisher:

“One of the seminal works of Western philosophy, Aristotle’s Rhetoric vastly influenced all subsequent thought on the subject — philosophical, political, and literary. Focusing on the use of language as both a vehicle and a tool to shape persuasive argument, Aristotle delineates with remarkable insight both practical and aesthetic elements and their proper combination in an effective presentation, oral or written. He also emphasizes the role of language in achieving precision and clarity of thought.

The ancients regarded rhetoric as the crowning intellectual discipline — the synthesis of logical principles and other knowledge attained from years of schooling. Modern readers will find considerable relevance in Aristotelian rhetoric and its focus on developing persuasive tools of argumentation. Aristotle’s examinations of how to compose and interpret speeches offer significant insights into the language and style of contemporary communications, from advertisements to news reports and other media.”

Reprint of the W. Rhys Roberts translation.

Companion Products

Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle Student Text
Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle Answer Key
Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle DVDs

Required Supplement
Aristotle’s Rhetoric

Optional Supplements
How to Read a Book
Figures of Speech

Classical Rhetoric Basic Set

Classical Rhetoric Complete Set

Additional information
Weight .15 kg
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.25 × .5 in

Translation by W. Rhys Roberts






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