Art in a Box – Fairytales and Fables Edition ***Discounted*** $120.00

Target Age Range

Fairy Tales & Fables was designed with 6-12-year-olds in mind, but we think puppet theatre and good storytelling is for everyone. Grandparents will love working with grandchildren to tell these classic tales, older siblings will captivate younger ones with the magic of shadow puppets, and parents will love that children are having fun while building literacy, memory, and imagination.

Box Contents

Art in a Box: Fairy Tales & Fables contains all of the supplies and video links needed for a minimum of five very full days of learning, but is built to continue to be used well beyond the initial five days. The supplies and activities can also be used at your own pace and can be enjoyed by more than one person; however, the prize bag only contains five prizes.


camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp Camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp
with Introductory Video Link
with Daily Supply Bags & Instructions
camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp

Day 1: The Importance of Story

Video Link; Instructions;

Fairytales & Fables Storybook

Optional from Home:


Day 2: Character & Costuming

Video Link; Instructions

Shadow & Stick Puppet Silhouettes

Scissors; Puppet Sticks; Tape

Optional from Home:

X-acto knife, cutting mat

Day 3: Set & Lighting Design

Video Link; Instructions

Scenic Elevation Colouring Sheet

Puppet Theatre to paint and assemble

Black acrylic paint, sponge brush, plastic plate

Hinges; White curtains/ screens, velcro dots

Flashlight, batteries, flashlight stand

Needed from Home:


Optional from Home:

Other paint colours & lights

camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp camp in a Box Fairytales and Fables Ambrose University Ambrose Arts Summer Camp

Day 4: Sound Design

Video Link; Instructions

Shadow & Stick Puppet Silhouettes

Scissors; Puppet Sticks; Tape

Optional from Home:

Musical Instruments, sound makers, music

Day 5: Dramatic Action

Video Link; Instructions

Dramatic Action Worksheets

Net for The Lion & the Mouse

Prize Bag:

Animal Bookmark; Clay Slime;

Bouncey Ball; Lollipop;

Punching Balloon

Dramatic Action WS Answer Key

Additional information
Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.2 × .6 in

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