Bankruptcy of Our Nation: Revised & Expanded $22.50


“It’s no secret that the U.S. national debt is in the tens of trillions. But did you know that America also has future unfunded obligations of over $118 trillion? Unfortunately, America’s politicians have no plan to solve our mounting fiscal and monetary crisis.

But you don’t have to watch this unfold in fear of your financial future. The time for debate is over… It’s time to prepare!

In this revised and expanded release of Bankruptcy of Our Nation, Jerry Robinson offers you the ultimate financial survival guide. Robinson, an Austrian economist, columnist, and radio host, is featured weekly on, quoted by USA Today, has appeared on Fox News, and has written columns for Townhall and FinancialSense. Allow him to guide you with details of the

  • 21 income streams you can create now and in retirement
  • Specific ways to inflation-proof your investment portfolio using the P.A.C.E. (Precious Metals, Agriculture, Commodities, and Energy) Method
  • How to create a diversified six-month liquid savings reserve that uses stable foreign currencies and precious metals.
  • And the 5 Levels of Financial Freedom that Jerry has personally used to build true wealth and create complete financial security.

You can survive this economic crisis, but you can’t wait. It’s time to take action. Let this book show you how to become a better investor and create multiple streams of income.”


Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 1 in


Date Published



Jerry Robinson





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