Exploring Creation with Anatomy & Physiology Textbook
 Exploring Creation with Anatomy & Physiology is a homeschool science course for elementary grades K-6 and part of our Young Explorer Series authored by Jeannie Fulbright. For over 11 years in a row, The Young Explorer Series has been voted the #1 homeschool science for elementary grades.
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology is an elementary-level anatomy book that gives glory to God as children discover what’s going on inside their bodies! Take this in-depth journey into the anatomy and physiology of your body through Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology by Jeannie Fulbright and pediatrician Brooke Ryan, M.D..
From the brain in your head to the nails on your toes, you and your students will encounter fascinating facts, engaging activities, intriguing experiments, and loads of fun as you learn about the human body and how to keep it working well.
Beginning with a brief history of medicine and a peek into cells and DNA, your students will voyage through fourteen lessons covering many subjects, such as the body systems: skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, and more! They’ll study nutrition and health, how God designed their immune system to protect them, along with embryology and what makes them a unique creation of God.
As they work their way through the course, your students will enjoy adding the organs about which they learn to their own personalized human figure to be placed in their course notebook. In addition to all this exploration, your students will enjoy scientific experiments and projects, such as testing the bacteria content around the house, finding their blood type, creating a cell model from Jello and candy, and even building a stethoscope!
In keeping with the other books in the Apologia elementary science Young Explorer Series, the Charlotte Mason methodology is employed with engaging narratives, narration prompts and notebooking projects, all of which reinforce their learning using proven techniques that strengthen retention.
View a sample by clicking here.
What Does Anatomy & Physiology Cover?
There are 13 lessons included in this one-year Anatomy & Physiology course. A detailed daily lesson plan is included in the Notebooking Journals.
Lesson topics include:
- The history of anatomy and physiology
- Cell anatomy, Cell membrane
- Mitochondria, Centrioles, Golgi
- The nucleus
- Cell creation
- DNA and RNA
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- The Digestive and Renal System
- Health and Nutrition
- The Respiratory System
- Blood
- The Cardiovascular System
- The Nervous System
- The Endocrine System
- The Senses
- The Integumentary System
- The Lymphatic and Immune Systems
- Growth and Development
- And much more!
What Do I Need to Use This Homeschool Anatomy & Physiology Course?
 To complete this Anatomy & Physiology course, we recommend the hard-cover textbook and spiral Notebooking Journal (grades 4-6) or the Junior Notebooking Journal for early elementary ages or children with limited writing skills.
This Anatomy & Physiology course for elementary grades is packed with a variety of hands-on activities, experiments, and projects. These can be completed with household materials.
View a sample by clicking here.
What Are Some of the Activities in This Anatomy & Physiology Course?
The activities and projects use easy-to-find household items and truly make the lessons come alive.
A sampling of the course projects include:
- Make an edible model of a cell
- Analyze a chicken bone
- Study muscle fibers
- Growing Muscle experiment
- Design a Digestion Theme Park activity
- Testing starch content in food
- Make a model of a lung and test lung capacity
- Make a diaphragm model to understand how the breathing process works
- And much more!
This Anatomy & Physiology course for elementary grades is packed with a variety of hands-on activities, experiments, and projects. These can be completed with household materials. You can view the complete list of lab supplies by viewing the sample here.
What is the Daily Schedule for Anatomy & Physiology?
We have provided a detailed daily schedule for Anatomy & Physiology in the front of each Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journal. This schedule specifically outlines what to read and what activities to complete, as it fits your family’s needs.
We recommend that you spend the entire school year covering this book, devoting approximately two sessions per week to the course.