God’s Great Covenant: Old Testament 2 – Complete Set From: $76.01

 Student Edition
Teacher’s Edition

A yearlong course for students in grades 3-6

God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2: A Bible Course for Children continues to follow the journey of God’s people as they become the nation of Israel. By chronologically studying the second half of the Old Testament from Samuel to Malachi, students will see how the God of Israel keeps and renews His covenant with His people. Students will also learn the ways in which the Old Testament forecasts the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Various prophets are studied in their contexts, so their lives and words can be understood in relation to their own times as well as times to come.

Full program includes:

  • God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2 (student edition) This book contains thirty-two weekly chapters divided into five themed units. Each chapter contains: 1) a memory page that includes a weekly memory verse, key facts chart, and vocabulary to memorize; 2) a thought-provoking “Message from the King” that encourages students to consider how to relate to God in their own lives; 3) a worksheet; and 4) a quiz. Each week also contains the story of that week’s Bible verses, presented at a clear, elementary reading level.
  • God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2 Teacher’s Edition This edition contains all of the student edition content, and also provides answer keys and additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text.
  • God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2 Audio Files Students can listen to and experience the story of God’s work through the Bible, learning how He leads and cares for His people. This CD contains the readings featured in the God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2 text, engagingly read by Christopher Perrin.

    Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.


For placement recommendations and other questions, please see our FAQ page.

God’s Great Covenant Suggested Weekly Schedule (PDF)
GGC Old Testament 2 Errata (PDF)
GGC Old Testament 2 Quiz Packet with Answer Keys (PDFs in ZIP)
Ask the Magister (teacher)


God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2
God’s Great Covenant, Old Testament 2: Teacher’s Edition
God’s Great Covenant, Old Testament 2: CD

Additional Resources:

God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 – Package
God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2: Package
God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1: Package