Introductory Physics Program

By: John D. Mays

Original price was: $282.45.Current price is: $268.34.

Introductory Physics is ideal for the “physics first” high school science program, which places a physics-based course in the freshman year. But this book contains two optional chapters with more challenging math content (Pressure and Buoyancy, and Geometric Optics) and can be used in a 10th or 11th grade course as well.

Product Quantity

Introductory Physics (Third Edition) - Textbook

Original price was: $121.50.Current price is: $115.43.

Experiments for Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry

Original price was: $32.50.Current price is: $30.88.

Complete Solutions and Answers for Introductory Physics

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $47.45.

Introductory Physics - Digital Resources

Original price was: $78.50.Current price is: $74.58.

Product Description

Students should be enrolled in concurrent Algebra I to use this book, which is standard track mathematics for 9th grade. We make our exercises challenging, requiring students to utilize multiple concepts and skills to arrive at an answer, but nothing higher than basic algebra is required for this text. This text is not an upper-level vector/trig-based course; for an advanced, vector-based text, see our book Physics: Modeling Nature.

Student instructions for five complete laboratory experiments are included in the appendix. Teachers instructions are included in the supplemental book, Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC.

For a thorough explanation of the great advantages to “physics first,” please read our September 2013 Newsletter. This article also lays out our two-track (grade-level and honors/accelerated) plan for high school science and math.

Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.

The Copernican Revolution – PowerPoint Presentation
Introductory Physics – Errata

Tips and Tools - Free Resources






Companion Resources:

From Wonder to Mastery
The Student Lab Report Handbook (Second Edition)
Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science

Additional Information


John D. Mays


Novare Science and Math


Hardcover, Paperback, Digital Resource


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