Pages of Music $25.99

Long ago, a painter and her son, Paolo, visited the poor but beautiful island of Sardinia and a shepherd shared with them his bread called foglia de musica, pages of music.

When the mother offered to pay, the shepherd took his musical pipe and filled the air with music so sweet that Paolo danced and sang with joy.

Many years later, Paolo, now a gifted composer, returns to the island with his entire orchestra on Christmas morning to share with the shepherds his own “pages of music”—a song of a night long ago, a blazing star, and a child born in a manger.


This picture book biography is a “Rabbit Trail” book from Beautiful Feet Book’s Music Appreciation Family Package.

All other “Rabbit Trail” titles for the Music Appreciation bundle can be viewed here. More titles will be forthcoming.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .4 in


Published date



Tony Johnston


Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books



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