Sample Lesson
Readiness Assessment
Supply List
Skills to Develop
Grammar, Greece, & Gratitude
Ages 10-14 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)
Students learn vocabulary, grammar, outlining, and composition through familiar classical children’s literature. They embark on new enrichment studies in Creating Art and Music Appreciation. Students practice cursive writing through lessons in manners and reflective gratitude.
In Levels 5 & 6 you will teach Greek Myths, Latina Christiana, Christian Studies and more. Science includes hygiene, nutrition, and natural science, with lessons and experiments. In true classical form, Simply Classical Levels 5 & 6: Grammar, Greece, and Gratitude will help students learn Latin and begin to make connections across all studies.
Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.
New to Simply Classical? You will need these items from previous packages.
Not Included:
Courage and a Clear Mind CD ( (click to purchase an .mp3 file))
Rod & Staff Grade 3 English
Optional Enrichment:
If you are not able to use the complete curriculum, we recommend that you customize the set to remove the following:
Creating Art
Music Appreciation I*
States & Capitals Student
States & Capitals Teacher
The World of Mammals
Mammals Student Workbook
Mammals Teacher Guide
What is a Mammal?
What is the Animal Kingdom?
*You can find playlists for all pieces discussed in Music Appreciation here:
Recommended Supplements (Not included in the core):
Music Appreciation CD
Latina Christiana Instructional Videos (Streaming)
Lingua Angelica – Audio Streaming
Poetry for the Grammar Stage Anthology
Memory Verse Flashcards (for advanced memory work)
Introduction to Composition Student
Introduction to Composition Teacher
Writing Practice Set
Read-Aloud Set
Simply Classical American History Set
Companion Products
Simply Classical Curriculum: Levels 5 & 6 Two-Year Pace
Simply Classical Curriculum: Levels 5 & 6 New User Add-On Set
Simply Classical Curriculum: Levels 5 & 6 One-Year Pace
Simply Classical Curriculum: Level 5 & 6 Writing Practice Set
Simply Classical Curriculum: Level 5 & 6 American History Set
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