The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Units 1-10) $128.50

So you’ll get the first 40 lessons, each of which contains:

Quick introductory content for parents to get up to speed on that week’s concept
Lesson or activity for young children
Lesson or activity for older children
Discussion prompts for the entire family
“Go deeper” material for those who want to learn even more

Each 4-week unit centers around a specific question.

Here are the topics for Units 1-10:

Do you really need that?
What makes something useful?
Why can’t you always get what you want?
Can you have your cake and eat it too?
Why do people do what they do?
Where does value come from?
Where does value go?
Why do people produce certain things?
How does production create wealth?
What are the costs of trade?

Titles in Series: 

The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Units 1-10)
The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Units 11-20)
The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Units 21-30)

Other “Tuttle Twins” Series:

The Tuttle Toddlers: ABCs Combo Set
The Tuttle Toddlers: 123’s Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins Guidebooks Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins: Choose Your Consequence Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins: America’s History Set
The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Full Set)

Additional information
Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 11.5 × 8.5 × 1 in


Published Date



Connor Boyack


Libertas Press




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