The Scope & Sequence resource explains what content is covered and which skills are acquired in each grade. Click here to view the Ninth Grade Scope & Sequence.
Concerning Latin: Students should complete First, Second, Third, and Fourth Form Latin before moving to Henle II.
Concerning Composition: Students should complete Classical Composition I-V before moving on to Classical Composition VI: Encomium, Invective, & Comparison. Please consult the Classical Composition Sequence Chart if you have any questions.
Product may not be exactly as illustrated.
Please note: The digital items included in this package are non-refundable.
Concerning Science: Modern Biology has gone out of print and is no longer included in this set. If you are using our guides and streaming videos for this program you will need to purchase a used textbook elsewhere.
Optional Supplements:
A Concise History of the American Republic Set (Year One)
Related Resources:
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