A Special-Needs Program by Memoria Press

From the Publisher:
Based on the excellent classical Christian education provided by Highlands Latin School, our curriculum has been adapted especially for students with significant special learning needs. The complete program, available for ages 2-21, offers 10 key features:

1. The rich, beautiful content of a classical Christian education designed to promote wisdom, virtue, and eloquence within a Christian context of forgiveness, mercy, and salvation

2. A slower pace with ample review including optional 8-week extensions of early levels for year-round schooling or for additional practice before embarking on the next level of study

3. Clean, simple books with elegant illustrations to cultivate a taste for excellence

4. A multi-sensory presentation of material with visual, auditory, and tactile input wherever beneficial for the student

5. Oral language components to promote oral language development and reduce the demand for written responses

6 . Skills checklists with recommendations to boost development of pre-academic, social, and motor skills in the early years

7. Integration across subjects for improved understanding, further repetition, and greater mastery of material

8. Themed levels to offer fewer subjects per year with greater depth while providing a comprehensive curriculum over time

9. A “trivium” approach with recitations in the early grammar levels to strengthen memory, analysis in the middle logic levels to develop clear thinking, and opportunities for expression in the upper rhetoric levels to cultivate eloquence

10. Socratic questioning at every level to promote the pursuit of truth

For more information and/or to download a placement test, please click here: https://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/special-needs-about/

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