The Wonderland of Nature $36.95$51.50


Children are endlessly enthralled by Nature–by the countless little things that they observe and pick up in their wanderings along bush-track and seashore. They are eager to know all about these things–and here is a book that tells them.

It has been specially designed for two purposes–for children’s enjoyment, and for their practical school needs. As well as dealing with Plants, Insects, Shells, Minerals, Air, Weather, etc., it also explains such things as Light, Sound, Magnetism and Electricity.

After going through several previous editions, including being printed in braille, this new edition has been revised and updated to reflect current understanding and expanded to teach new advances in science.

A unique and timely publication in Australia, this books meets the school syllabus, drawing its references from our own everyday surroundings and delighting while it teaches.

Additional information
Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 7 × 10 × .8 in

Nuri Mass


Living Press Books

Date Published



Paperback, Hardcover

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