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When John Cameron Butler was a child, he was captured in a raid on the Pennsylvania frontier and adopted by the great warrrior Cuyloga. Renamed True Son, he came to think of himself as fully Indian. But eleven years later his tribe, the Lenni Lenape, has signed a treaty with the white men and agreed to return their captives, including fifteen-year-old True Son. Now he must go back to the family he has forgotten, whose language is no longer his, and whose ways of dress and behavior are as strange to him as the ways of the forest are to them.Sku: 9781400077885
The Light in the Forest
By: Conrad Richter$11.95 -
From the Publisher: It was Ben Franklin who coined the phrase, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God," and if any historical drama fulfills that maxim, it is surely the saga of King John and the drafting of the Magna Charta.Sku: 9780964380356
The Magna Charta
By: James Daughtery$20.50 -
A fascinating story about Dutch Settlers in Western Michigan of the Van Raalte colony of 1847 In the middle of the 19th century a band of Dutch immigrants, under the leadership of the Reverend A. C. Van Raalte, came to Michigan to establish their homes in a place now called Holland. Among these early pioneers were Gerrit Kolf, his wife, and four children. Food was scarce those first few months, but the Kolf family were often supplied meat or corn meal by a mysterious, solitary individual who wore a bearskin cloak and who refused conversation with anyone. To read this book is to gain an appreciation of the unconsciously heroic attitude of these people in their new and difficult life. The wildness of the country, the meagreness of their resources, and the lack of medical care make it at first a sheer struggle for survival.Sku: 9781928136330
The Man in Bearskin
By: J. Keuning$12.95 -
A Story of the Bohemian Persecution When I reached home from afternoon school, I went up to a little upper chamber which Wilma and I had as our own, and there I found my sister — who was at the time a fair young maiden of thirteen — busy with her needle. “Well, Sister,” said I, "so we are to have another of these good gentlemen tonight.” “He has come,” she said mysteriously. “Has he? What is he like?” I asked. “I have not seen him, for he is closeted with our father in his private chamber.” “Will he sup openly with us tonight?” “Yes, I think so. Elspeth will keep a careful watch, and there is the door behind the tapestry, you know, in case of a surprise.”Sku: 9781928136477
The Martyr of Kolin
By: H.O. Ward$16.95 -
The legendary adventure of a medieval outlaw is now available in an unabridged paperback edition for today’s young readers.Sku: 9781454948834
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
By: Howard Pyle$13.50 -
Lord Moreton hung up the receiver and pushed a buzzer on his desk. “Send Inspector Maxwell here,” he said to the policeman who came in. A moment later, Maxwell entered. He was heavy-eyed from lack of sleep and, if anything, looked more melancholy than ever. “Sit down, Max.” The inspector seated himself. “Well, it is heavy going,” said Lord Moreton. The other nodded. “The ship of state is going to founder, sir, mark my words, unless there is some change within the next forty-eight hours. We had one hundred and three suicides last night and eighteen murders within the Metropolitan area. We cannot stand this for long. No word from Jerusalem yet?”Sku: 9781928136880
The Mystery of Mar Saba
By: J.H. Hunter$29.95 -
It's 1947, and India, newly independent of British rule, has been separated into two countries: Pakistan and India. The divide has created much tension between Hindus and Muslims, and hundreds of thousands are killed crossing borders. Told through Nisha's letters to her mother, The Night Diary is a heartfelt story of one girl's search for home, for her own identity...and for a hopeful future.Sku: 9780735228528
The Night Diary
By: Veera Hiranandani$12.49 -
His job in the Russian police was to inflict pain and terror on Christians . . . and he did it well. Sergei Kourdakov, who led attack raids for Russia's secret police, points to the place off British Columbia, Canada where he escaped from a Russian naval ship to begin his search for the faith of those he once persecuted.Sku: 9781928136644
The Persecutor
By: Sergei Kourdakov$18.95 -
Out Of StockMidshipman Nate Lawton has been sent to Lake Erie to help man the naval fleet there. A shortage of officers places him in a much higher position than his limited experience would normally bring, but command has its price. Nate finds himself caught between the rocks of naval discipline and the shoals of his superior officer’s unbending ambition, and he must decide what to do.Sku: 9780880922869
The Price of Command: Nate Lawton’s War of 1812
By: Ron Wanttaja$15.95 -
A Tale of the Scottish Reformation David Stratton stood long at the lancet window — how long he never knew. Strange new thoughts filled his mind, and for the first time for weeks even the Prior of St. Andrews and the Vicar of Ecclescreig were forgotten. For he did not, as might be imagined, amuse and gratify himself by applying the fiery denunciations he had just heard to these his personal enemies. They had indeed impressed and delighted him at the time; but what he afterwards heard almost swept them from his memory. Unaccustomed to abstract thought, though full of practical shrewdness, a mere exposition of doctrine would perhaps hardly have left a clearer impression on him, when delivered in his native tongue, than if it had been couched in Latin; but his mind was quick to grasp and strong to retain the circumstances of a story. Nor did he only retain them passively: he was accustomed to reflect, after a fashion, upon his own doings and those of other men; and to his imagination, the blind man of the gospel was as real, and not more distant, than if he had lived or was living then in Edinburgh or St. Andrews.Sku: 9781772980257
The Prior’s Tithe
By: Deborah Alcock$14.95 -
Kansas ingenuity and determination meets Spanish grace and benevolence in this story of Old California in the years just before the Gold Rush of 1849. The wagon which has carried sixteen-year-old Lank and his younger sister Tess across the plains, mountains and desert, through sickness, misery and near death, falls to pieces on the edge of La Hacienda de las Flores de Oro—The Ranch of Golden Flowers. Taken in by the generous de Soto family, and befriended by the Munita and her brother Ernesto, the recently orphaned young people desire to find a way to repay their kind hosts. Both captivated by the gracious culture of Spanish colonial life and alarmed by its open-handed and, to Lank and Tess, outright improvident ways, the two set to work with a will. How they succeed in helping to prepare the de Sotos for the great changes ahead is engagingly played out against the colorful background of Old Californian life at its height.Sku: 9781932350494
The Ranch of the Golden Flowers
By: Constance Lindsay Skinner$21.55 -
In an interesting turnabout, the Revolutionary War is seen through the eyes of a British family to whom an American prisoner of war has been entrusted. Technically the young prisoner is in Uncle Lawrence's custody, but the children soon forge a forbidden friendship with him after he nearly dies in an attempted escape. He becomes the Reb and they, his Redcoats. But when they learn of some events leading to his coming to Europe, even Uncle Lawrence, embittered by the unjust death of a friend in America, thaws toward him-but this doesn't stop the Reb from scheming to escape. Constance Savery deftly weaves themes of trust and forgiveness into an interesting plot with likeable charactersSku: 9781883937423
The Reb and the Redcoats
By: Constance Savery$20.00 -
First published in 1895, this small masterpiece set the pattern for the treatment of war in modern fiction. The novel is told through the eyes of Henry Fleming, a young soldier caught up in an unnamed Civil War battle who is motivated not by the unselfish heroism of conventional war stories, but by fear, cowardice, and finally, egotism. However, in his struggle to find reality amid the nightmarish chaos of war, the young soldier also discovers courage, humility, and perhaps, wisdom. Although Crane had never been in battle before writing The Red Badge of Courage, the book was widely praised by experienced soldiers for its uncanny re-creation of the sights, sounds, and sense of actual combat. Its publication brought Crane immediate international fame and established him as a major American writer. Today, nearly a century later, the book ranks as an enduring landmark of American fiction.Sku: 9780486264653
The Red Badge of Courage
By: Crane, Stephen$5.50 -
Set during the Civil War, it tells of the brutal disillusionment of a young recruit who had dreamed of the thrill and glory of war, only to find himself fleeing the horror of a battlefield. Shame over his cowardice drives him to seek to redeem himself by being wounded—earning what he calls the “red badge of courage.Sku: 9780553210118
The Red Badge of Courage
By: Stephan Crane$5.95 -
Stephen Crane described his novel of the American Civil War as a "psychological portrait of fear." Although he never experienced the horror of battle himself, Crane based his realistic narrative largely on stories told by Civil War veterans. While those accounts tended to focus on the external action of warfare, the young newspaper reporter aspired to illustrate the internal experience of the soldier. What does a man think and feel when he must kill or be killed? When in the chaos of battle will fear paralyze him or, worse, cause him to turn coward and run? In a sense, modern American fiction begins with Crane's masterful, impressionistic depiction of Private Henry Fleming under fire.Sku: 9781586176464
The Red Badge of Courage
By: Stephen Crane Edited by: Mary Reichardt$10.95 -
A Tale of Two Continents The Refugees is a fast-paced exciting historical novel filled with daring and adventure. It depicts the escape of Louis De Catinat and his cousin from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Fleeing aboard a merchant vessel they attempt to reach America but find themselves stranded on an iceberg. The result is a hazardous trek through Canadian forests, avoiding both Roman Catholic Frenchmen and savage Indians. Follow the adventures of well to do people, bereft of all convenience and fleeing for their lives to seek refuge in a country where freedom of religion returns stability to their lives.Sku: 9780921100676
The Refugees
By: A. Conan Doyle$19.95