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It was a happy life at the pretty chateau. Even after that dreadful Sunday evening, when strange men came down and shut the people out of the church, not much changed for the four children. Until the soldiers came . . .Sku: 9780921100652
The Young Huguenots
By: Edith S. Floyer$19.95 -
A True Story of World War I and II WWII Memorial Series 1 They Looked for a City is the saga of a Hebrew Christian family tossed by all kinds of national and personal storms, yet always emerging on the crest of each menacing wave, as if carried by the hand of a merciful God and the force of their faith. It is a pilgrim story of real people whose lives were marked by a two-fold stigma and a two-fold privilege — that of being Jews as well as believers in the Messiah of Israel, Jesus. The center of this family chronicle is occupied by my beloved mother Yente, because to me she personifies something that is so precious and peculiar — the heart of a Jewish mother, and the impact of her faith upon her family and all those who came in touch with her.Sku: 9781772980134
They Looked for a City
By: Lydia Buksbazen$24.95 -
Tears and laughter alternate in this novel of a young girl's growth to womanhood in the 1830's. 16-year-old orphan Martitia Howland has been transplanted into a Quaker farm family of five intimidating sons and one disapproving daughter. As Martitia runs their gauntlet, she begins to bloom. Valiantly she acquires the skills they expect of her, and discovers other gifts all her own. Her achievements earn respect in the end and more, her heart's true love. Illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli.Sku: 9781883937164
They Loved to Laugh
By: Kathryn Worth$18.90 -
A Story of the Cold War Tresham looked at the picture accompanying the article and might have been gazing into a mirror, so startling was the resemblance. "Of course, it is my brother," he said slowly. So he went to Canada to work for a capitalistic state and help to start another war. " What do you want me to do, since I suppose my coming here has something to do with that item in the newspaper?" The Russian nodded and handed him a cutting from a newspaper pasted on a piece of stiff cardboard. "Read that also," he said. It was a report of a later address given by Tresham’s brother in Washington to an organization affiliated with the United Nations and called "The Society for the Promotion of World Peace and Good Will." "The first two paragraphs are all that you need read at present," said Vasiloff. The report was in English with a Russian translation beside it.Sku: 9781928136873
Thine is the Kingdom
By: J.H. Hunter$22.95 -
The riveting story of a heroic girl who fights for her belief that water should be for everyone.Sku: 9780593354414
By: Varsha Bajaj$12.49 -
Meet Bronco Bill, Hi Kendal, the Duke, the Old Timer, and of course, Gwen, and discover why the impact of "The Sky Pilot" was far different than any would have expected.Sku: 0940652072
Thomas Skylar, Foothills Preacher
By: Ralph Connor$14.95 -
Evoking small town life in Oregon during World War I with vividness and a clear sense of time and character, Evelyn Sibley Lampman has created a very human and dramatic story that will carry its readers along to a most satisfying conclusion.Sku: 9781948959896
Three Knocks on the Wall
By: Evelyn Sibley Lampman$20.50 -
From the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation came two outstanding statements of faith: The Heidelberg Catechism (1563) and the Belgic Confession (1561). The stories behind these two historic documents are in this small book.Sku: 9781894666893
Three Men Came to Heidelberg and Glorious Heretic: The Story of Guido de Bres
By: Thea B. Van Halsema$11.95 -
In Budapest, fourteen-year-old Teresa and her family live through the terror of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.Sku: 9798888180167
Toward Morning
By: Alta Halverson Seymour$14.95 -
For the sake of bringing the long-drawn-out American War for Independence to a close, Peter Treegate endeavors to do the impossible. It is his task to bring together an alliance—albeit a temporary one—between feuding Scottish clans now settled in the Carolina hills. The end result is Treegate’s Raiders, a fierce fighting force who take part in two of the small, but crucial battles that help to defeat the British—King’s Mountain and Cowpens. In the course of these adventures, Peter has also managed a flying visit to Salem, Massachusetts to see his friend Peace of God Manly—only to find more than he had bargained for. Authentic action and suspenseful story-telling carry this fourth title in the Treegate Series to a satisfying resolve. This is the fourth book in the Treegate Series. The first book in the series is John Treegate's Musket. The second book is Peter Treegate's War (no longer in print). The third book in the series is Sea Captain from Salem(no longer in print)Sku: 9781932350487
Treegate’s Raiders
By: Leonard Wibberley$17.50 -
During the late sixteenth century the Reformation was sweeping across Europe. As the Bible became a loved book by the common man, many people questioned the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church at the perils of their lives. By torture and cruel deaths the priests attempted to return these “rebels” to the church. In the midst of this battle Guido de Bres lived as he died — trusting God and keeping the faith. Nearly five hundred years have passed since he was born, but the confession of faith written by Guido de Bres — a wonderful summary of God’s Word — continues to live on in the lives of Reformed people around the world. This book, written by one of his descendants, is about Guido de Bres. It describes the time in which he lived, and the confession of faith God allowed him to write. Though intended for older children it also will be enjoyed by adults.Sku: 9780921100102
Trust God, Keep the Faith
By: Bartha Hill de Bres$9.95 -
The King of Hungary’s Blacksmith and other Stories “Well, Master Jailer, how goes it? Have you heard anything?” asked the young man in an eager whisper. The jailer laid his hand compassionately on his shoulder. “Heavy tidings for thee, poor lad,” he said. “He will likely die.” The answer was a deep groan, heard distinctly through all the uproar of the crowded room. Then silence; then a broken murmur, “Poor Maida — poor baby!” choked by something very like the suppressed sob of a strong man. The Young Burning Hearts Series is aseries of fascinating independent stories for young and old of faithfulness in trying times.Sku: 9781772980011
Truth Stranger Than Fiction
By: Deborah Alcock$10.95 -
A powerful look at an unforgettable era in history. “If we take these children, we can never betray them, no matter what the Nazis do.”Sku: 9780140310764
Twenty and Ten
By: Claire Huchet Bishop & Janet Joly$10.99 -
This fictional account of the dismantling and removal of the Empire State Building describes the structure of a skyscraper and explains how such an edifice would be demolished.Sku: 9780395454251
By: David Macaulay$15.99 -
The novel that changed the course of American history Published in 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel was a powerful indictment of slavery in America. Describing the many trials and eventual escape to freedom of the long-suffering, good-hearted slave Uncle Tom, it aimed to show how Christian love can overcome any human cruelty.Sku: 9780140390032
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
By: Harriet Beecher Stowe$16.00 -
A Tale of theHeroic Times in Old Geneva They had now reached the Forte Neuve, by which they entered the town, with many others who were returning from the Plain-palais. As they walked along the Corratorie they met Berthelier and Gabrielle, taking the air, as the afternoon was very fine for the season of the year. Both the lads saluted; De Marsac with a flush and a beaming smile. “I did not know you knew them,” said Norbert. “Oh yes; did I not tell you I was going to see them? Master Berthelier’s sister, Damoiselle Claudine, and I are fast friends. Some years ago when I came here first, a mere child, I was one day in the market, looking about me and buying cherries or the like, when I saw this poor damoiselle being frightened half out of her senses by a group of angry, scolding fish-women. That was before such good order was put in the market, and in all the town, thanks to Master Calvin. She had told them, quite truly, that they were trying to cheat her. I fought her battle with all my might, which in truth was not great, and at last brought her home in triumph. She was much more grateful than the occasion required, and has been my very good friend ever since. I — they — they are all good to me, though lately, being much occupied with my studies, I have seen them but seldom.” “Do you not think the young damoiselle very pretty?” asked Norbert. “I do.” “She is beautiful,” Louis answered quietly; and the subject dropped.Sku: 1894666046
Under Calvin’s Spell
By: Deborah Alcock$14.95