The Greeks: Drama and Lyric covers the beginning of drama and some of the earliest comedies and tragedies known to the Western world. This course includes lectures on the three primary tragedians from the Ancient Greek world by Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides and also one of the most famous writers of Greek comedy, Aristophanes. The course also offers an introduction to Greek lyric poetry from the same era, including passages by Pindar, Sappho, and Quintus of Smyrna. A lecture on the minor epic poetry of Hesiod is also included as a complement to part Greeks: The Epics.4 Grades
The Greeks: Drama and Lyric DVD
$75.50 -
Drama and Lyric Reader is a selection of Greek plays and poetry from early antiquity. It is designed to complement The Greeks: Drama and Lyric, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum. Based on the Great Books of western civilization, Old Western Culture guides students through the literature, history, theology, and philosophy of the West, and does so from a Christian perspective.
The Greeks: Drama and Lyric Reader
$39.00 -
The Greeks: Drama and Lyric covers the beginning of drama and some of the earliest comedies and tragedies known to the Western world. This course includes lectures on the three primary tragedians from the Ancient Greek world by Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides and also one of the most famous writers of Greek comedy, Aristophanes. The course also offers an introduction to Greek lyric poetry from the same era, including passages by Pindar, Sappho, and Quintus of Smyrna. A lecture on the minor epic poetry of Hesiod is also included as a complement to part Greeks: The Epics. The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.
The Greeks: Drama and Lyric Workbook
$16.00 -
Greeks: The Histories introduces students to three of history's most influential early historians. Students will learn about Herodotus, the “Father of History”, as they read his masterpiece, The Histories, and its inquiries into the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars. They will read and learn about Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War and its forays into the earliest expressions of political philosophy. And last they will read Xenophon's Anabasis, the famous account which reads like a novel as it chronicles the march of ten thousand Greeks soldiers on their treacherous journey home through enemy territory. Join Wesley and experience his contagious enthusiasm for learning as he draws from decades of teaching experience by summarizing, expositing, and drawing connections from the texts.4 Grades
The Greeks: The Histories DVD
$75.50 -
THE HISTORIES READER includes the most famous works of the Greek historians Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon. It is designed to complement Greeks: The Histories, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume.
The Greeks: The Histories Reader
$39.00 -
Greeks: The Histories introduces students to three of history's most influential early historians. Students will learn about Herodotus, the “Father of History”, as they read his masterpiece, The Histories, and its inquiries into the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars. They will read and learn about Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War and its forays into the earliest expressions of political philosophy. And last they will read Xenophon's Anabasis, the famous account which reads like a novel as it chronicles the march of ten thousand Greeks soldiers on their treacherous journey home through enemy territory. Join Wesley and experience his contagious enthusiasm for learning as he draws from decades of teaching experience by summarizing, expositing, and drawing connections from the texts. The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.
The Greeks: The Histories Workbook
$16.00 -
Greeks: The Philosophers covers the most important works of Plato and Aristotle and introduces students to the ideas that have been wrestled with by Western Civilization for over two thousand years. The texts covered in this unit include Plato’s Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Republic; and Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Ethics, and Poetics. Wesley Callihan draws from decades of teaching experience as he unpacks the concepts, dispels common misconceptions, and explains how the Christian church and society at large have been influenced by the ideas of these men—both for good and for ill.4 Grades
The Greeks: The Philosophers DVD
$75.50 -
THE PHILOSOPHERS READER is a selection of the most influential works of Plato and Aristotle. It is designed to complement Greeks: The Philosophers, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume!
The Greeks: The Philosophers Reader
$39.00 -
Greeks: The Philosophers covers the most important works of Plato and Aristotle and introduces students to the ideas that have been wrestled with by Western Civilization for over two thousand years. The texts covered in this unit include Plato’s Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Republic; and Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Ethics, and Poetics. Wesley Callihan draws from decades of teaching experience as he unpacks the concepts, dispels common misconceptions, and explains how the Christian church and society at large have been influenced by the ideas of these men—both for good and for ill. The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.
The Greeks: The Philosophers Workbook
$16.00 -
The Green-Face Virus is the third book in Michael Clay Thompson’s Mud Trilogy of Classic Words Novels, which he wrote himself for children in Level 1 of the MCT language arts curriculum.2 Grades
The Green-Face Virus
$13.50 -
Henry Hudson, though English, was captain of a Dutch ship called the Half Moon that he was tasked with sailing north around Canada to China. It was, of course, an impossible request. Henry gave up that effort and tried to find a passageway through the great continent instead, but he ran into trouble time and again. He never found what he was looking for, but his name remains on maps of the United States today.
The Half Moon on the Hudson (Dyslexic Font)
$13.50 -
Michael approaches the topic of giftedness from a variety of angles in the thirty-nine essays in this book. Many of the essays focus on advocacy for appropriate educational experiences for gifted children, but there are also essays that simply describe some of the world’s greatest gifted thinkers and talents. Together, the essays offer a multifaceted look at giftedness in a way that no single essay could do.
The Heart of the Mind
$19.50 -
The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third book in the Shadow Trilogy of language-illustrated classic novels.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
$17.50 -
The Inverted Spectrum guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the philosophical bases behind the concepts introduced in the novel. These include the beliefs and ideas of Socrates, Locke, Leibniz, Kant, Mill, Adler, Dewey, and others. It also provides a summary of the plot developments, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of each chapter, discussion questions, and more.4 Grades
The Inverted Spectrum – Guidebook
$22.95 -
In this novel, centered on John Locke’s famous thought experiment about a man who suddenly perceives colors the opposite of how he used to see them, two middle schoolers enter virtual reality to solve Locke’s mysterious disappearance in order to save one of their classmates from a thought experiment gone awry. In the process, they learn about empiricism and its connection to the birth of democracy.4 Grades
The Inverted Spectrum – Student Book
$22.95 -
The Invisible Man is the third book in the Search Trilogy of language-illustrated classic novels.2 Grades
The Invisible Man