In this unforgettable, gently humorous novel, New York Times bestselling, award-winning author Gary D. Schmidt tells two poignant, linked stories: that of a grieving girl and a boy trying to escape his violent past.
Kipling’s own drawings, with their long, funny captions, illustrate his hilarious explanations of How the Camel Got His Hump, How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin, How the Armadillo Happened, and other animal How’s.
Do you know what a Solanum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pinnatis incises, racemis simplicibus is?*
Carolus (Karl) Linnaeus started off as a curious child who loved exploring the garden. Despite his intelligence—and his mother's scoldings—he was a poor student, preferring to be outdoors with his beloved plants and bugs.
*it's a tomato!
Make art an adventure for your child with classic picture book character, Katie!
For over 25 years, Katie has stepped into the most famous and familiar paintings in the world for an exciting adventure. This latest edition of a classic really is the best way to introduce children to a lifetime love of art. Katie leaps through the frames of five famous paintings by favourite British artists! Why not collect all 13 titles in the Katie series.
Join Katie as she steps into some of the most famous paintings in the world for an exciting art adventure!
When the Mona Lisa's smile goes missing, it's up to Katie to help find it again. On the way, they meet a princess, a dragon, a winged lion and an angel. But can Katie make the Mona Lisa smile again?
Join Katie as she steps into some of the most famous paintings in the world for an exciting art adventure!
The stars in Vincent van Gogh's painting are so beautiful that Katie can't resist reaching in and taking one. But what will she do when all the other stars come tumbling out of the painting, too? Will Katie be able to catch the stars before the gallery guard notices they've floated away?
Make art an adventure with classic picture book character, Katie, in this wonderful introduction to some of Monet's best-known paintings.
Katie desperately wants to win the art competition at the gallery. She just has to create a painting in the style of Monet. That should be easy . . . right?
Come on a magical tour with Katie and discover London's most famous sights!
When Katie and her brother Jack visit London with Grandma, something very unexpected happens . . . One of the Trafalgar Square lions comes to life and takes them on a wonderful tour of all the best sights! Including Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Big Ben and the London Eye.
Featuring many of London's key landmarks, this storybook has become a bestselling introduction to London, and is perfect for children visiting the city for the first time.
Discover the sights of Scotland with this classic Katie picture book.
With so much to see and do in Scotland, it's lucky that Katie, Jack and Grandma have a very special guide to show them the best spots. Join their fun-packed tour - with Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster!
Landmarks featured include Glasgow's Kelingrove Park, Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood, The Royal Mile, Scotland's National Gallery and Greyfriar's Bobby.
Discover the magic of London at Christmas time with this classic Katie picture book. When Katie and Jack are woken up late on Christmas Eve by a loud sneeze, little do they realise that they are about to embark on the most amazing evening!
Make art an adventure for your child with classic picture book character, Katie!
Katie's Picture Show was originally published in 1989 and has captured the imagination and hearts of budding art lovers for a quarter of a century. Now, Orchard Books proudly presents this new edition to celebrate this classic story's 25th birthday. Completely reillustrated throughout, and with a beautiful new cover look, this book will enchant Katie fans, new and old.
Katy, a brave and untiring tractor, who pushes a bulldozer in the summer and a snowplow in the winter, makes it possible for the townspeople to do their jobs.
In this enduring winter favorite from the Caldecott Medal winner Burton, Katy the snowplow finally gets her chance to shine when a blizzard blankets the city and everyone is relying on Katy to help dig out. This new paperback is perfect for gift giving. Children love sharing Katy’s shining moment of glory and will inevitably admire her “chug, chug, chug” endurance."