Explore the world of pioneering scientists in “Microbe Hunters.” Written in 1926, this captivating book popularized germ theory and is perfect for curious minds of all ages.
By: Paul de Kruif
$22.50 – $36.95
Paul de Kruif, an American microbiologist and author, was most well-known for writing this classic bestseller, Microbe Hunters. His accounts of fourteen microbe hunting scientists are enlightening, engrossing, and paradoxically humorous and entertaining at the same time—Microbe Hunters has been on recommended reading lists, influencing many aspiring physicians and scientists, since 1926.
These microbe hunters were pioneers searching for knowledge and truth, fighting against death to advance medicine. A few succumbed to the invisible assassins they studied. Their failures, disappointments and triumphs, as they persisted, are deftly presented by the author.
By: Paul de Kruif
Get kids thinking with this primer on sky, land, and sea animal migrations.
By: Gail Gibbons
Kids love this funny and energetic picture book portrayal of one of America's most famous frontiersmen and larger-than-life heroes.
By: Steven Kellogg
A modern classic that no child should miss.
Since it was first published in 1939, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel has delighted generations of children.
By: Virginia Lee Burton
From the Publisher:
“The Cat in the Hat travels the globe—in his trusty crocodile car—to explore the world of reptiles: lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles. Along the way, young readers learn the characteristics shared by most reptiles; basic information about each group; quirky, fun facts about individual species; and much, much more."
By: Tish Rabe
From the Publisher:
Aliki takes readers on a guided tour that begins with grazing cows, proceeds through milking and a trip to the dairy, and ends with some different foods made from milk.
By: Aliki
The mills at Wicksbridge are imaginary, but their planning, construction, and operation are quite typical of mills developed in New England throughout the nineteenth century.
By: David Macaulay
A classic with a refrain that millions of kids love to chant: Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats.
By: Wanda Gag
There are millions of things to measure . . . and almost as many ways to measure them!
By: David M. Schwartz
The Everyman's Library Pocket Poets hardcover series is popular for its compact size and reasonable price which does not compromise content. Poems: Milton contains selections from Milton's work, including sonnets, occasional poems, portions of Comus, Samson Agonistes, as well as Books I--XII of Paradise Lost.
By: John Milton

This is Charlotte Mason as you have not seen her before: Mind to Mind is her well-seasoned final work, originally titled An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education. Divested of outdated material, the essential philosophy is brought into sharp relief. Ms. Mason wrote, “The message for our age is, Believe in mind, and let education go straight as a bolt to the mind of the pupil.” Our generation needs to hear that message more acutely than ever. Karen Glass, with deep respect for the original, has preserved the essentials in Ms. Mason’s own words, while delivering the material in a format that speaks to today’s readers. This book is an abridgment in the literal Latin sense of “to shorten.” What has been shortened is not merely the length of the original volume, but the path between the modern reader and the mind of Charlotte Mason.
In this book, Charlotte Mason presents the vital principles that underlie her methods, and with the confidence of many decades of practice behind her, recommends those methods to a wider audience. She wanted to reform and regenerate the educational practices of Great Britain in the early 20th century, but 21st century readers will find her ideas just as potent, just as penetrating, and even more refreshing than they were when they were originally penned. Her first principle is "Children are born persons": not machines, not animals, not accidental conglomerations of cells, but persons, with all the magnificent possibilities that personhood implies. The education we should offer a person is the education Charlotte Mason offers to us.
By: Charlotte Mason,
Karen Glass
From the Publisher:
While they’re having fun coloring, kids can receive painless lessons in polite behavior. These 41 illustrations portray kids thanking each other, greeting adults, respecting the elderly, and following proper etiquette in many other day-to-day situations. Helpful captions reinforce the suggestions for good manners.
By: Roz Fulcher
How can a man as small as Ming Lo move something as large as a mountain? Maybe the village wise man can help...
This whimsical literary folktale is set in China.
By: Arnold Lobel
The history of the Mississippi River Valley is told in text and pictures through the adventures of Minn, a snapping turtle, as she travels downstream.
By: Holling C. Holling
Down on the farm one morning, Papa McFay orders his sons to hop to their chores. But from Minnie’s kitchen wafts a smell that gets the boys itchin’, and one by one, they succumb to the call of that sweet aroma...
By: Dayle Ann Dodds