Adam Smith’s masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism.
Faustin is a Rwandan schoolboy forced to witness the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus. With his family slain, Faustin’s only chance of survival lies in his running and his sheer courage to outwit the enemy. He does not have to do it alone, however; he discovers the value and courage of an unlikely friend. This is a story that is at once horrific, gripping, informative, heartbreaking, and inspiring.
This is a book for people who already know the standard nativity – the baby, the stable, the manger…
But it includes one character you were probably never told about – an enormous red dragon. We didn’t make him up. His story is tucked away in the lesser-known pages of the Bible and his terrible deeds are verifiable facts of history. Though few people are aware of him, he is fighting a battle in which we all must choose sides.
So this Christmas, let us fill in the gaps as we introduce you to the weirdest nativity.
After quiet, artistic Danny Mago gets a new job at the St. Martin de Porres Convent-home of the famous Maori painter, Mother Madeleine-he stumbles across an ancient, unused elevator and the uneventful tenor of his life takes a decided turn . . . upwards! The resulting wild and sometimes hair-raising adventures become strangely entangled with the mysterious quest that has brought beautiful Zelia Mazloum all the way from Turkey to New Zealand.
Demonic creatures, angelic beings, sly villains, an old and beautiful weka-feather cloak, a blank wall in a new Cathedral and an unforgettable Maori nun come together in this amazing tale of spirit and laughter.
A Story of France in the 18th Century
“Father!” Eugène burst forth, unable to withhold his tidings. “Father, the king is dead! The wicked rebels in Paris have slain him, slain him on the scaffold. Think of that! The king, the Lord’s anointed, Louis of France!”
A flush overspread the old man’s face, a tremor passed through his frame. Had he been able, he would have sprung from his seat, but he could not; one of his lower limbs was paralysed. So he lifted up his white and trembling hands to heaven, and said with deep feeling, — “God is just. His holy will be done.”
Eugène was amazed. This way of taking a hideous crime, a terrible calamity, seemed to him incomprehensible. But then, as he reminded himself, his father was not quite like other people. However, he could not help saying, — “I think it looks much more like the devil’s will, my father.”
The enduring and engaging guide to educating yourself in the classical tradition.
Have you lost the art of reading for pleasure? Are there books you know you should read but haven’t because they seem too daunting? In The Well-Educated Mind, Susan Wise Bauer provides a welcome and encouraging antidote to the distractions of our age, electronic and otherwise.
Newly expanded and updated to include standout works from the twenty-first century as well as essential readings in science (from the earliest works of Hippocrates to the discovery of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs), The Well-Educated Mind offers brief, entertaining histories of six literary genres—fiction, autobiography, history, drama, poetry, and science—accompanied by detailed instructions on how to read each type. The annotated lists at the end of each chapter—ranging from Cervantes to Cormac McCarthy, Herodotus to Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Aristotle to Stephen Hawking—preview recommended reading and encourage readers to make vital connections between ancient traditions and contemporary writing.
The Well-Educated Mind reassures those readers who worry that they read too slowly or with below-average comprehension. If you can understand a daily newspaper, there’s no reason you can’t read and enjoy Shakespeare’s sonnets or Jane Eyre. But no one should attempt to read the “Great Books” without a guide and a plan. Bauer will show you how to allocate time to reading on a regular basis; how to master difficult arguments; how to make personal and literary judgments about what you read; how to appreciate the resonant links among texts within a genre—what does Anna Karenina owe to Madame Bovary?—and also between genres.
In her best-selling work on home education, The Well-Trained Mind, the author provided a road map of classical education for parents wishing to home-school their children; that book is now the premier resource for home-schoolers. In The Well-Educated Mind, Bauer takes the same elements and techniques and adapts them to the use of adult readers who want both enjoyment and self-improvement from the time they spend reading. Followed carefully, her advice will restore and expand the pleasure of the written word.
Is your child getting lost in the system, becoming bored, losing his or her natural eagerness to learn? If so, it may be time to take charge of your child’s education―by doing it yourself.
Sophie, Hattie, and Owen go camping only to get spooked by some whispering in the woods in this eighteenth charming book of The Adventures of Sophie Mouse!
After one adventurous, but fairly safe voyage, Aunt Nannie reluctantly allows Sally to sail away again, this time into the Mediterranean Sea—and right into the clutches of the Barbary Coast pirates. Taken captive, Sally is exposed to a way of life very different from the protected one she has known. Her resiliency as well as her courage and love are sorely tried; however, both she and those she encounters in the Sultan’s palace will never be quite the same for her stay there.
This is the fourth book in the Sally Series. The first book in the series is Away Goes Sally (out of print). The second book in the series is Five Bushel Farm (out of print). The third book in the series is The Fair American. The fifth book in the series is The Wonderful Day.
The White Isle was one of the first books to bring young people a spirited picture of Roman life in Gaul and Britain and is one of Caroline Dale Snedeker's finest books.
Lavinia, a young Roman girl, finds her life disrupted when her father is ordered to command troops in Britannia. This engaging story introduces Ancient Greece, Rome and Britain in colourful detail as well as incorporating aspects of early Church history.