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The Will Power guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the question of free will and the concept of fate as discussed by some of the greatest thinkers in the world. Are we free to make our own paths in life, or are our lives predetermined? Is our fate set, or do we create our own fate? The book also provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions, and more.
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.
Will Power is a chapter book that features two kids, Will and Foo, who find themselves in a race against time to stop a man who has developed a frequency that will reveal the human brain to be a machine. In fact, he has already zapped Will, and Will and Foo must stop him before he can broadcast his frequency to the rest of humankind. In the process, they struggle with the question of free will, as discussed by such philosophers as Albert Einstein, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epicurus, Lucretius, and Sartre. They also explore the philosophical skills of making careful observations, defending a position, and tolerating ambiguity.
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.
Twelve-year-old Will Wilder is back to protect the town of Perilous Falls after he's given an amulet with a lock of Samson's hair.
But Will's strength will be pushed to the limit when a new demon causes unimaginable havoc.
By: Raymond Arroyo
Will Wilder is back to protect the town of Perilous Falls from another ancient evil—the fearsome demon, Amon.
By: Raymond Arroyo
Will Wilder didn’t mean to unlock his otherworldly gift. But that is exactly what happens when Will “borrows” a sacred relic believed to protect the town of Perilous Falls for nearly a century.
Even though his intentions are good, the impulsive twelve-year-old unwittingly awakens an ancient evil endangering all of Perilous Falls...
By: Raymond Arroyo
From the Publisher:
In just a few years, Facebook has gone from nothing to a major feature of modern life. There are over 500 million users, half of whom use it on any given day.
There is much that is good about this…social networking brings many benefits…but what about the dangers? Image, identity, idolatry and self–promotion are just some of the challenges that social networking can present. Dr Tim Chester looks at these issues pastorally and biblically, in his usual clear and candid manner. He asks pertinent questions to help us tackle them head on.
By: Tim Chester
Orphaned at a young age, William Bradford was formed by forces which were providentially preparing him for the great call upon his life. Follow his life from his boyhood in Scrooby, England through the years when he led the Pilgrims as the first governor of Plymouth Plantation.
By: Bradford Smith
In the early 1830s, iron horses were being built all along the East Coast, and whenever they arrived in a new town, people were excited to ride them for the first time.
By: Royal Fireworks Press

A Novel on William the Silent
King Philip II of Spain is prepared to make any concession to the lowlands, except freedom of conscience and worship and thus William of Orange continues in the struggle for true liberty. More important noblemen and personal friends sacrifice their lives, leaving few of William’s original friends alive. But Charlotte de Bourbon is ready to encourage her hero despite all the crises he must endure. When Leyden is under siege William becomes ill. Will the cause have to be given up?
King Philip, in the meantime, is furious because he cannot get rid of William. Everyone on his black list is dead but not the most important one: William of Orange. In a fury he writes the Ban and publishes it abroad. With this permission to dispose of his enemy in any way, the King is sure someone will kill William for him. After all, they will receive a great reward: a high position and name, wealth, fame . . . Will King Philip’s plan succeed?
The sequel to Prince and Heretic, by Marjorie Bowen.
By: Marjorie Bowen
Two Historical Essays
The two biographies make excellent reading, and the times the essays describe are of considerable interest and importance in the history of our civilization. Moreover, although Bowen obviously is not one in faith with Gustavus Adolphus and William of Orange, her essays relate incidents that are testimonials to God's mercies in preserving His Church. Remembering these mercies,
By: Marjorie Bowen
Please note: this is a reprinted edition and has the text only, no special formatting.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
By: William of Malmsbury,
Translated by J.A. Giles
Whether you are old or young you will enjoy this biography on the life of William of Orange.
A fascinating true story about one of the greatest princes who ever lived and already by his contemporaries justly compared to King David.
By: W.G. Van de Hulst
William Ogden bought himself a used locomotive and some train cars and had a few miles of railroad tracks built from Chicago going west, all despite the citizens of Chicago telling him that he was wasting his time.
By: Royal Fireworks Press
From the Publisher:
The book of Titus reveals that self-control is an essential component to living a faithful Christian life. Motivated by the cross, the return of Christ and equipped by the Holy Spirit, self-control will both rescue us from ship-wrecking our lives and help us live more effectively for Christ's glory.
From how we use our time, to the use of our tongue, and how we handle other things in our daily life, Willing But Weak shows that putting self-control at the heart of discipleship is hugely beneficial for us.
By: Paul Williams

Illustrated by: Roseanne Sharpe
This is the
fourth book in the popular Latsch Valley Farm series that has so far spanned 100 years and four generations of a Polish-American extended family in rural Wisconsin. The story is based on the lively experiences of Betsy Korb, 7th daughter in a family of 10 children and niece of author Anne Pellowski. Along with Linda, Kathy, Danny, Carol, Mona, Dorothy, Julie, Sara and Kristine, Betsy enjoys the fun—and disasters—that occur at “medium-sized” Willow Wind Farm, with its cows, cattle, pigs, chickens, cats and dogs. She partakes in all the pleasures of a large family as well as learning to cooperate with the necessary chores: preparing meals, washing-up and being an alert member of a busy, working farm.
Set in the year 1967, the book describes a close and flourishing community still connected to its European and Catholic roots.
This is the fourth book in the Latsch Valley Farm Series. The first book in the series is
First Farm in the Valley. The second book in the series is
Winding Valley Farm. The third book in the series is
Stairstep Farm. The fifth book in the series is
Betsy's Up-and-Down Year.
By: Anne Pellowski
C.K. Thompson, Australia’s great writer of stories about our native birds and animals, invites you to share with him the hilarious adventures of the most lovable of them all…
Is there any Australian who does not know that friendly little chap, the black and white fantail? Go where you will, in crowded city park, in suburban backyard, or in the heart of the lonely bush, there he is, the companion of everyone, Willy Wagtail, the bush newspaper and busybody, minding everybody else's business as well as his own. In this light-hearted story of the great open spaces, Wily gets himself in and out of a lot of strife.
He is ably assisted in his nuisance-making by a wide variety of bush birds and animals, as well as a quartet of small boys, all of whom have their own troubles without a wagtail adding to them. Such doings are most deplorable, but they make excellent reading for young and old.
By: C. K. Thompson