Each volume in the Ready Readers series provides complete discussion notes for a collection of classic stories, including questions from the Socratic List on all major structural and stylistic elements: Conflict, Plot, Characters, Setting, Theme, Context and Literary Devices.
Each question is answered in full with references to the text. Ready Readers also provides completed story charts and a short author biography for each title.
Each volume in the Ready Readers series provides complete discussion notes for a collection of classic stories, including questions from the Socratic List on all major structural and stylistic elements: Conflict, Plot, Characters, Setting, Theme, Context and Literary Devices.
Each question is answered in full with references to the text. Ready Readers also provides completed story charts and a short author biography for each title.
Ready Readers is based on the Teaching the Classics approach to reading, which involves working with stories at or below a student's reading level. While the volumes in this series are appropriate to the reading level of a specific age group, they can be applied to grades at their reading level and up.
The Red Tide is the second book in Michael Clay Thompson’s Mud Trilogy of Classic Words Novels, which he wrote himself for children in Level 1 of the MCT language arts curriculum.
The Student Guide provides questions corresponding with the text and also provides an in-depth study that will aid the student in gaining a better understanding of classical studies.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman from the first century B.C., was convinced that the upright moral life was the happier life. The Republic became the blueprint of the U.S. government almost 2,000 years after it was written. In The Laws, Cicero defends his understanding of the upright moral life and becomes the foundation for the West’s philosophical discussion on the natural law. Studying such perennial works is a boon to everyone.
The Rescue at Fragment Crag is the first book in Michael Clay Thompson’s Mud Trilogy of Classic Words Novels, which he wrote himself for children in Level 1 of the MCT language arts curriculum.
If you thought biology was the province of secular scientists, think again: The Riot and the Dance is biology like you've never seen it before. With over 130 original illustrations and several hundred figures total, this book is first and foremost an approachable and readable explanation of the basics of biology for high school or undergraduate students. But Gordon Wilson doesn't dumb down the concepts: Using analogies, anecdotes, and simple, personable language to teach key details about the bottom-line themes of biology, Dr. Wilson gives students handles to grasp the wonders of life on all levels.
In "Part 1: The Living Cell," you will be introduced to:
the basics of cellular and molecular biology, including the "motors" of flagella and other awe-inspiring nano-machines
the "how and why" of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, the central dogma, mitosis, meiosis, recombinant DNA technology, and Mendelian genetics, and more.
In "Part 2: The Diversity of Life," you will be taken on a fascinating tour of:
the major phyla and classes of all of the six taxonomic kingdoms
important concepts in the creation/evolution debate
an exciting survey of God's living handiwork, including the tiny, deadly Trypanosoma, fungus firearms, sedentary sponges, bizarre echinoderms and unfamiliar facts about the lifecycles and habits of familar vertebrates and plants
the basics of ecology, such as symbiotic relationships, food webs, and the interdependency of life
a biblical approach to conservation, and much more...
Rather than teaching a pile of disconnected facts about biology, Gordon Wilson gives the reader a foundational knowledge of living things alongside his primary goal, which is to stir up a long-lasting wonder and curiosity about life and a greater desire to praise the Creator.
This Lab Manual is the perfect lab companion to The Riot and the Dance, including 25 labs along with materials list, objectives, exercises, detailed lab instructions, and a year long schedule of interactive labs corresponding to the Student text. Enjoy getting your hands (or latex gloves, at least) dirty with your children!
The Riot and the Dance is biology like you've never seen it before. With over 130 original illustrations and several hundred figures total, the student book is first and foremost an approachable and readable explanation of the complicated basics of biology. Rather than teaching a pile of disconnected facts about biology, Gordon Wilson gives the reader a foundational knowledge of living things alongside his primary goal, which is to stir up a long-lasting wonder and curiosity about life and a greater desire to praise the Creator.
This Teacher's Guide is the perfect study companion for The Riot and the Dance, including detailed reading objectives, quizzes for every chapter, unit exams, and a complete answer key. Review and examination are two of the most important elements for proper learning, and with this Teacher's Guide, understanding and retaining key concepts is straightforward. Students can take the quizzes and exams directly from this book as the pages are perforated for easy removal.
The Riot and the Dance is biology like you've never seen it before. With over 130 original illustrations and several hundred figures total, the student book is first and foremost an approachable and readable explanation of the complicated basics of biology. Rather than teaching a pile of disconnected facts about biology, Gordon Wilson gives the reader a foundational knowledge of living things alongside his primary goal, which is to stir up a long-lasting wonder and curiosity about life and a greater desire to praise the Creator.
EARLY CHRISTIANITY reader is a selection of patristic works from the early church. It was designed to complement The Romans: Early Christianity, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume!As with all units of Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.
NICENE CHRISTIANITY Reader is a selection of patristic works from the early church. It is designed to complement The Romans: Nicene Christianity, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume!As with all units of Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.
The Aeneid Reader covers all the readings required for The Aeneid unit of Old Western Culture, including all of Vergil’s Aeneid, as well as portions of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and other minor Roman poets.
THE HISTORIANS READER is a selection from the most famous works written by the historians of the ancient Roman Empire. It is designed to complement Romans: The Historians, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume!As with all units of Old Western Culture, students may purchase or use their own texts, or use the free PDF edition of this text. This print edition reader was made as a convenience to students who prefer a physical edition of the works, but do not own and do not wish to purchase all the various texts.