In Book 4B, students will review and strengthen skills accumulated throughout the series and in Book 4A while also being introduced to several new concepts. Students will also continue to develop their understanding of diagramming sentences, visualizing the grammatical relationships within increasingly complex sentences.
By: Tammy Peters and Daniel Coupland, PhD
Well-Ordered Language Level 4 is the fourth part in a four-level series that demonstrates that grammar is an engaging study that appeals to students’ natural curiosity about words and language. The previous level, Well-Ordered Language Level 3, aided students in mastering predicate verbs, nominatives, and adjectives; prepositional phrases; personal pronouns; sensory linking verbs; indirect objects; interrogative pronouns; relative (adjectival) clauses; adverbial elements and clauses; reflexive pronouns; verbals; and types of sentences (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex). Any student who has mastered these concepts should be prepared for Well-Ordered Language Level 4.
y of grammar
By: Tammy Peters and Daniel Coupland, PhD
Discover captivating tales of courage, innovation, and heroism within Master Books’ What a Character Series!
By: Marilyn Boyer
Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. Young children must be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand firm in the truth.
By: Hay, John
Webb, David
For the younger disciples in your home, our What on Earth Can I Do? Junior Notebooking Journal is designed for students with limited writing skills. This gorgeous spiral-bound notebooking journal includes fun coloring pages, imaginative drawing assignments, full-color mini-books, Scripture copy work with guidelines, simple crossword puzzles, no-stress word searches, and fill-in-the-blank vocabulary exercises. Lesson plans for the parent make this future keepsake easy to use and ready for making memories! Recommended for ages 6–9.
By: Hay, John
Webb, David
This full-color, spiral-bound notebooking journal includes lesson plans, artful graphics, imaginative writing prompts, puzzles, activities, and mini books. There's even a place on the cover for the child to write his or her name as the author of the journal. The journal includes an "About the Author" page and a section for "endorsements" from friends and family!
By: Hay, John
Webb, David
This book presents children with fifteen problems, none of which have easy answers. Children must consider the problems, answer questions about them, and complete related activities. The activities teach children the valuable skills of compromise, making the best of a situation, and looking for a new way of accomplishing a goal.
By: Kathryn T. Hegeman, Ed.D.
This book presents children with fifteen problems, none of which have easy answers. Children must consider the problems, answer questions about them, and complete related activities. The activities teach children the valuable skills of compromise, making the best of a situation, and looking for a new way of accomplishing a goal.
By: Kathryn T. Hegeman, Ed.D.
This book presents seventeen age-appropriate problems that have no easy answers. In each problem, youngsters confront a high-interest, adolescent-type situation—the kind of situation that requires them not just to problem-solve but to think hard about what kind of people they want to be as they develop into young adults. This valuable book will get kids thinking critically and problem-solving creatively.
Originally intended by Professor Frederic M. Wheelock as a sequel to
Wheelock's Latin, his classic introductory Latin textbook,
Wheelock's Latin Reader, newly revised and updated by Richard A. LaFleur, is the ideal text for any intermediate-level Latin course. You'll find a rich selection of of prose and poetry from a wide range of classical authors, as well as briefer passages from medieval and Late Latin writers, each presented in the Latin in which it was originally written. Useful features include extensive notes; a complete Latin-English vocabulary; maps of ancient Italy, Greece, and the Roman Empire; and numerous photographs illustrating aspects of classical culture, mythology, and history featured in the readings.
By: Richard A. LaFleur
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The classic
Wheelock’s Latin remains the most highly regarded and bestselling single-volume, introductory Latin textbook of its kind. Now in its seventh edition,
Wheelock’s Latin retains its signature core of authentic Latin readings, taken not only from classical literature, drama, and poetry, but also from inscriptions, artifacts, and even graffiti showing the ancient Romans’ everyday use of Latin: Latin as a living language. With expanded vocabulary sections, tightly retooled comprehension and discussion questions, and vivid photos and illustrations,
Wheelock’s Latin 7th Edition is the essential resource for students beginning their journey into the heart of the classical world.
By: Frederic M. Wheelock, Richard A. LaFleur
Join Billy and his two hound pups on their daily coon-hunting expeditions.
By: Shea Foster
Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. Young children must be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand firm in the truth.
By: Hay, John
Webb, David
For the younger disciples in your home, the Who Am I? Junior Notebooking Journal is designed for students with limited writing skills. This gorgeous spiral-bound notebooking journal includes fun coloring pages, imaginative drawing assignments, full-color mini-books, Scripture copy work with guidelines, simple crossword puzzles, no-stress word searches, and fill-in-the-blank vocabulary exercises. Lesson plans for the parent make this future keepsake easy to use and ready for making memories! Recommended for ages 6–9.
By: Webb, David
Webb, Peggy
This CD can be used alongside the textbook to help young readers along.
Emmy winner Marissa Leinart narrates the full audio version of this second book in the What We Believe series. Who Am I? helps children understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God. Through engaging stories and thoughtful assignments, they will begin to develop a healthy, biblical self-image and a sense of God-given purpose that will last a lifetime.
By: Hay, John
Webb, David
Designed for use with the book Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?). This full-color, spiral-bound notebooking journal includes lesson plans, artful graphics, imaginative prompts for writing and drawing, puzzles, activities, and mini books. There's even a place on the cover for the child to write his or her name as the author of the journal. The journal includes an "About the Author" page and a section for "endorsements" from friends and family!
By: Webb, David