Song School Latin: Book 2 - Student Edition × 2 Song School Latin 2 - Teacher's Edition × 2 Latin Monkey Match 2 - Flashcard Game × 2 Song School Latin: Book 2 - Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) × 2
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Myself and Others - Book Three × 1 Aesop’s Fables for Children × 1 Aesop Copybook × 1 Healthy, Happy Habits × 1 Sarah, Plain and Tall × 1 A Penny’s Worth of Character × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1
Renaissance and Reformation Times - Text × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Student Guide × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Teacher Guide × 1
The Discovery of Deduction - Student Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Teacher’s Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Streaming Video × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Assessments, Quizzes & Extra Practice PDF × 1
Song School Latin: Book 2 - Student Edition × 2 Song School Latin 2 - Teacher's Edition × 2 Latin Monkey Match 2 - Flashcard Game × 2 Song School Latin: Book 2 - Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) × 2
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Myself and Others - Book Three × 1 Aesop’s Fables for Children × 1 Aesop Copybook × 1 Healthy, Happy Habits × 1 Sarah, Plain and Tall × 1 A Penny’s Worth of Character × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1
Renaissance and Reformation Times - Text × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Student Guide × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Teacher Guide × 1
The Discovery of Deduction - Student Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Teacher’s Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Streaming Video × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Assessments, Quizzes & Extra Practice PDF × 1
Song School Latin: Book 2 - Student Edition × 2 Song School Latin 2 - Teacher's Edition × 2 Latin Monkey Match 2 - Flashcard Game × 2 Song School Latin: Book 2 - Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) × 2
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Myself and Others - Book Three × 1 Aesop’s Fables for Children × 1 Aesop Copybook × 1 Healthy, Happy Habits × 1 Sarah, Plain and Tall × 1 A Penny’s Worth of Character × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1
Renaissance and Reformation Times - Text × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Student Guide × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Teacher Guide × 1
The Discovery of Deduction - Student Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Teacher’s Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Streaming Video × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Assessments, Quizzes & Extra Practice PDF × 1
Song School Latin: Book 2 - Student Edition × 2 Song School Latin 2 - Teacher's Edition × 2 Latin Monkey Match 2 - Flashcard Game × 2 Song School Latin: Book 2 - Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) × 2
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Myself and Others - Book Three × 1 Aesop’s Fables for Children × 1 Aesop Copybook × 1 Healthy, Happy Habits × 1 Sarah, Plain and Tall × 1 A Penny’s Worth of Character × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1
Renaissance and Reformation Times - Text × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Student Guide × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Teacher Guide × 1
The Discovery of Deduction - Student Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Teacher’s Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Streaming Video × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Assessments, Quizzes & Extra Practice PDF × 1
Geography pairs naturally with ecology, and studying the ecosystems and biomes of the seven continents provides ample opportunities for hands-on learning. Nearly 50 activities that use easy-to-find household items help students understand the cycles of nature, ecosystem structure, soil health, effects of pollution, and much more.
This is the Student Book to our high school World History Set.
Students will develop their Christian worldview while forming their own understanding of world history trends, philosophies, and events in James Stobaugh's examination of historical theories, terms, and concepts.
This is the Teacher Guide to our high school World History Set.
Students will develop their Christian worldview while forming their own understanding of world history trends, philosophies, and events in James Stobaugh's examination of historical theories, terms, and concepts.
For Grade Level 10 -12.
Students will develop their Christian worldview while forming their own understanding of world history trends, philosophies, and events in James Stobaugh's examination of historical theories, terms, and concepts.
For Grade Level 10 -12.
Worldview Detective helps students get beyond the basic question "What does the author say?" and tackle the crucial follow-up question: "Is the author telling the truth?"
This item is just the guide for Worldview Detective.
Worldview Detective is here! A DVD seminar featuring Adam and Missy Andrews, Worldview Detective is designed for parents, teachers, and high school students who want to learn how to discover an author's worldview through close reading of his work.
The Chreia & Proverb CD accompany Writing & Rhetoric Book 4: Chreia & Proverb. This cd allow students to engage their sense of hearing and thier listening intelligence as Christine Perrin, the Writing and Rhetoric series editor, delivers the historical narratives, myths, and legends aloud in a thoughtful manner.
A Creative Approach to the Classical Progymnasmata—Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. What is an apprentice? It is a young person who is learning a skill from a master teacher. Our students will serve as apprentices to the great writers and great stories of history.
A Creative Approach to the Classical Progymnasmata—Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. What is an apprentice? It is a young person who is learning a skill from a master teacher. Our students will serve as apprentices to the great writers and great stories of history.
Writing & Rhetoric Book 1: Fable Teacher’s Edition includes the complete student text, as well as answer keys, teacher's notes, and explanations. For every writing assignment, this edition also supplies descriptions and examples of what excellent student writing should look like, providing the teacher with meaningful and concrete guidance.
The Thesis Part 1 Audio Files accompany Writing & Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis Part 1 and allow students to engage their sense of hearing and their listening intelligence as Greg Lowe and Lauraine Gustafson deliver the readings aloud in a thoughtful manner.
Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has recovered this proven method of teaching writing in conjunction with critical thinking and speaking. This is the tenth in a series of 12 books that will train students over 6 years.
The Writing & Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis Part 1 Teacher’s Edition includes the complete student text, as well as answer keys, teacher’s notes, and explanations. This teacher’s edition also contains descriptions and examples of what excellent student writing should be like for every writing assignment, providing the teacher with meaningful and concrete guidance.
Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has recovered this proven method of teaching writing in conjunction with critical thinking and speaking. This is the tenth in a series of 12 books that will train students over 6 years.
Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has recovered this proven method of teaching writing in conjunction with critical thinking and speaking. This is the eleventh in a series of 12 books that will train students over 6 years.
Song School Latin: Book 2 - Student Edition × 2 Song School Latin 2 - Teacher's Edition × 2 Latin Monkey Match 2 - Flashcard Game × 2 Song School Latin: Book 2 - Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) × 2
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Myself and Others - Book Three × 1 Aesop’s Fables for Children × 1 Aesop Copybook × 1 Healthy, Happy Habits × 1 Sarah, Plain and Tall × 1 A Penny’s Worth of Character × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1
Renaissance and Reformation Times - Text × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Student Guide × 1 Renaissance and Reformation Times - Teacher Guide × 1
The Discovery of Deduction - Student Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Teacher’s Edition × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Streaming Video × 1 The Discovery of Deduction - Assessments, Quizzes & Extra Practice PDF × 1