This is a useful supplement to students, homeschooling environments, or anyone who would like help with the working out the problem sets in General Chemistry. In this book, the author “shows his work” and how each problem or calculation is solved.
In this unique science course students in grades 7 - 12 will explore oceans, astronomy, weather, and minerals as they discover fascinating facts, incredible wonders, captivating creatures, and God’s glory on display throughout creation!
In this unique science course students in grades 7 - 12 will explore caves, archaeology, fossils, and geology as they discover fascinating facts, incredible wonders, captivating structures, and God’s glory on display throughout creation!
This review will help students retain the knowledge they gained in their study of Geography I. The review takes very little time and makes a great companion to Geography II.
Geography I Review - Teacher Key, Quizzes, & Tests includes a division of regions, three sections of review, and quizzes and tests to check comprehension.
Geography I: Middle East, Europe, and North Africa covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in “History’s Headlines,” as well as in the present in “Tour of Today.”
Geography I: The Middle East, North Africa, & Europe Student Workbook covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in “History’s Headlines,” as well as in the present in “Tour of Today.”
Geography of the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in “History’s Headlines,” as well as in the present in “Tour of Today.”
Geography I: Middle East, Europe, and North Africa covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in “History’s Headlines,” as well as in the present in “Tour of Today.”
Your student will learn countries and capitals of today and relate them to the ancient lands of the Greeks and Romans, deepening his understanding of both the past and the present.
The Geography II set continues taking your student through the studies of the world. After completing the Geography I program, students are ready to cover areas of the world outside the Ancient Roman Empire.