First Form Latin - Student Text (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Student Workbook (2nd Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Manual (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 First Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin Pronunciation - Ecclesiastical Pronunciation (Audio Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1
First Form Latin - Student Text (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Student Workbook (2nd Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Manual (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 First Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin Pronunciation - Ecclesiastical Pronunciation (Audio Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1
First Form Latin - Student Text (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Student Workbook (2nd Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Manual (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 First Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin Pronunciation - Ecclesiastical Pronunciation (Audio Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1
First Form Latin - Student Text (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Student Workbook (2nd Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Manual (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 First Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin Pronunciation - Ecclesiastical Pronunciation (Audio Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1
This Science timeline goes back to the ancient world of Pythagoras, Aristotle and Archimedes, to the medieval world of Copernicus and Galileo, up to the modern world of Edison and Einstein.
With a total of twenty-one illustrations many of the world's most notable scientists will be brought to life for your student.
Important! The price above will change depending on the books you choose from this package. Please make your selections and then see what the total price is in your shopping cart.
Introduce the fascinating world of science to your child and spark their curiosity and desire to understand the world around us! Engaging biographies are used to tell the life stories of famous scientists like Archimedes, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, George Washington Carver, Einstein, and others, and are paired with hands-on experiments to prove the scientists' theories and test their discoveries.
The History of the Early ChurchStudent Guide has important terms defined, reading questions, and discussion questions, in addition to questions specific to the primary readings from Eusebius.
The History of the Early Church Teacher Manual has the student pages inset with surrounding text giving the teachers chapter summaries and additional notes to enrich their teaching.
Students are invited to continue on from a historical study of the Hebrew people to an investigation of the history of the Church. This was so evidently necessary to Christians of the fourth century that one of their own, Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea, wrote the first book to recount the struggles and victories of the first followers of Christ. Students can now dedicate an entire year to learning the material those Christians began investigating almost 1,700 years ago.
In this course, Henry Chadwick’s The Early Church is used as the main text. Students are directed to Eusebius’ History of the Church when ancient testimony is appropriate.
Now in full-color, this study guide contains added comprehension and discussion questions, new student activities, website links, and author bio's, and its all in a beautiful and easy-to-use format. All literature for the Horse Study remains the same but the Guide now brings the books to life!
Important! The price above will change depending on the books you choose from this package.Please make your selections and then see what the total price is in your shopping cart.
Take a wild ride and learn of the Lipizzaner stallions, wild mustangs, the American bred Morgan horse, the Chincoteague ponies and other breeds. This course begins in the 1700s with the Godolphin Arabian and continues through the early 1900s featuring the award-winning books of Marguerite Henry, Walter Farley's Black Stallion and Anna Sewell's Black Beauty.
This guide is a tool to provide an overview study of the first three Veritas history series: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt; New testament, Greece and Rome; and Middle Ages, Reniassance, and Reformation.
Delve further into the world of preposterous tales that illustrate mid-western America through affectionate and humorous eyes with this comprehension guide.
The Homer Price Student Guide trains students to become active readers by providing in-depth word studies that help students build vocabulary as well as comprehension questions to teach students to identify important concepts and compose clear, concise answers to questions.
The Homer Price Teacher Guide features teaching guidelines, notes on reading activities, lessons for the 6 chapters of Homer Price including answers to the Homer Price Student Guide, all tests and quizzes, and the key to all assessments.
Homer Price by Robert McCloskey shows just how great (and humorous!) imagination can be. This Study Guide and Teacher Guide increase both the understanding of the text and develop Reading Comprehension skills.
This Horatius at the Bridge Student Guide, Second Editionincludes an introduction to the text, Roman history review, character descriptions, and comprehension questions designed to guide students through the ballad.
This Horatius at the Bridge Teacher Guide, Second Edition is equipped with all answers to the Horatius at the Bridge Student Guide, Second Edition; quizzes to gauge retention; and maps to bring the story of Horatius alive for your learner.
First Form Latin - Student Text (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Student Workbook (2nd Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Manual (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 First Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1 First Form Latin Pronunciation - Ecclesiastical Pronunciation (Audio Streaming)(Second Edition) × 1