Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction.
In this course, students will learn the theory of using words well, study the greatest speeches of all time, and practice the skills of effective oratory.
Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction. In this course, students will learn the theory of using words well, study the greatest speeches of all time, and practice the skills of effective oratory.
Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction.
In this course, students will learn the theory of using words well, study the greatest speeches of all time, and practice the skills of effective oratory.
Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction.
Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction.
In this course, students will learn the theory of using words well, study the greatest speeches of all time, and practice the skills of effective oratory.
Fitting Words instructs students in the art of classical Rhetoric, providing them with tools of communication that will equip them for life. Intended for high school students and above, Fitting Words is a complete curriculum covering a year of instruction.
In this course, students will learn the theory of using words well, study the greatest speeches of all time, and practice the skills of effective oratory.
Be careful what you wish for — you may get it! That's what happens to five children when they decide to dig a hole through the Earth to see whether people on the other side walk upside down. They don't get very far, though, before they uncover an ancient sand fairy. At least that's what the youngsters call him, even though his correct name is Psammead (pronounced Sammyadd). And what a bizarre creature he is, with bat's ears, a tubby body, furry arms and legs, and eyes that move in and out like telescopes!
Obliged to grant the children their desires (because that's what sand fairies do), this oddity from another time and place warns of a catch: wishes come undone at sunset. And if they're not planned carefully, there could be some very serious problems.
One of Edith Nesbit's best-loved tales of enchantment, Five Children and It will delight today's young readers as much as it did those of generations ago.
The five Mitchell children are based on the author's own family. In the first of three books about their adventures, Daddy has just gone off to World War II. One of his final words to his daughter Joan is, No dogs! She would dearly love such a pet, but life is full and so many new friends-pets as well as people-join the Mitchells, she hardly has time to think about dogs. The children form a club to do their part for the war-effort-first and foremost helping Mother, of course. Humorous and tender incidents combine with delightful illustrations to make the Mitchells truly unforgettable.
Illustrated by the author.
Times are tough around the little brown house! The widowed Mrs. Pepper has to sew all day long just to earn enough to pay the rent and to feed the five growing Peppers. But she faces poverty and trouble with a stout heart, a smiling face, and the help of her jolly brood: blue-eyed Ben, the eldest and the man of the house at the age of 11; pretty Polly, so eager to cook for the family and make everyone happy and comfortable; and the three littlest Peppers, Joel, Davie, and baby Phronsie.
A favorite of children, parents, and teachers for generations, this heartwarming classic first appeared in 1880. Since then, it has inspired countless young imaginations with its tender tales of the ways in which courage and good cheer can overcome adversity.
Reprint of the D. Lothrop and Company, Boston, 1880 edition.
Thirty full color grammar cards highlight key Fix It! Grammar concepts for quick and easy reference. Drill and review grammar concepts. A digital list of fun grammar activities and games is also included.
Ingenious! Students hunt for and correct errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. Fix It! Grammar™ is a six-year, incremental program that encourages students to apply new grammar knowledge in every lesson while continuing to practice what they already know.