Sandy tries to save a little kitten from falling into the water. Instead, she accidentally pushes it under. A passer-by accuses her of trying to drown the kitten. Sandy, the little would-be rescuer, catches a chill and gets seriously ill. Feverishly she dreams of black kittens and that accusing man on the road. In the end the accuser becomes a healer, and the would-be rescuer is in need of rescue herself. As for the victim, the black kitten — it heals a heart and finds a home.
Alexandre Dumas’ The Black Tulip immerses you in the Dutch Golden Age, where love and ambition intertwine with the captivating frenzy of tulip mania in a classic historical tale.
It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who will thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved.
Andrew Lang’s classic collection of fairy tales, complete with all the original illustrations, and re-ordered to match the Ambleside Online reading order.
From the Publisher: The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang contains most of all the fairy tales that have been retold for over a century. Our Student Guide and Teacher Guide increase both the understanding of the text and develop Reading Comprehension skills.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang contains most of all the fairy tales that have been retold for over a century. Our Study Guide and Teacher Guide (included in The Blue Fairy Book Set) increase the student’s Reading Comprehension.
The Book of Birds includes an introduction and 18 chapters on topics such as feathers, habitat, migration, eggs, and more. This reader also includes a list of common birds of North America, a Bird Hall of Fame, and a helpful appendix.
The Book of Birds is a thorough introduction to the fascinating world of our avian friends, covering everything from anatomy and the physics of flight to social habits and habitats.
The creative arts are an essential part of the primary school education. By using the activities in these books, you can reinforce number and letter recognition, strengthen fine-motor skills, and foster creativity and confidence.
This Book of Crafts, Junior Kindergarten is for the youngest crafters and is intended to be a supplement to our Junior Kindergarten curriculum. For easy reference, the crafts are separated into three categories: Literature Crafts, Letter Crafts, and Review Day Crafts. While the crafts in this book have been carefully chosen to promote skill growth and coordination, the most important component is fun.
The Book of Insects Student Workbook provides exercises for the student in which he/she will not only better grasp what is taught throughout the course, but also they will have fun doing so!
This Teacher Guide provides valuable resources for the teacher, answers to the questions contained within the Student Book, and also quizzes and tests.