Traditional principles. Contemporary methods. Unparalleled results.
This groundbreaking new writing series combines time-tested classical techniques—the imitation and analysis of great writers—with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature. The Workbook is written directly to the student to foster independence and gives essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods.
Increase teacher confidence with the scripted dialogue and detailed explanations in the Level 2 Instructor Text! Teach students to analyze and imitate great writers with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature. Student Workbook required.
Learn how to write with clarity and confidence! The Workbook is written directly to the student to foster independence and gives essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods. All source material included; teaches one-, two-, and three-level outlining. Instructor Text also required.
Increase teacher confidence with the scripted dialogue and detailed explanations in the Level 3 Instructor Text! Teach students to analyze and imitate great writers with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature. Student Workbook also required.
Learn how to write with clarity and confidence! The Workbook is written directly to the student to foster independence and gives essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods. Instructor Text also required.
The Complete Zoo Adventure sets the stage for learning with "Before the Zoo" preparations, gives you the tools you need for an awesome "At the Zoo" experience, and then continues to deepen the understanding of God's Creation with fabulous "After the Zoo" activities. Truly a complete guide like no other!
The third book in the popular elementary anatomy series God’s Wondrous Machine, focuses on the heart, blood, and blood vessels that make up the body’s circulatory system. Understanding the mechanics of this system in transporting nutrients, blood, chemicals, and more to cells within the body is key to understanding how it helps fight disease as well as maintain a properly balanced temperature. Readers learn how the deliberate design of their bodies enables it to function as it should, just as God meant for it to.
One night, soon after we entered the tropics, an awful storm burst upon our ship. The first squall of wind carried away two of our masts, and left only the foremast standing. There was no room for me upon the lifeboat; but being left behind saved my life -- and the lives of Peterkin and Jack Martin, my two companions.
"Come, boys," said Jack Martin in a grave tone as we stood on the quarterdeck awaiting our fate -- "You see it is impossible that the little boat can reach the shore, crowded with men." He had us take hold of a loose oar, and guided us to shelter on a deserted coral isle. . . . . . . and that is the beginning of my harrowing tale.
The novel was still considered a classic for English primary school children in the early 20th century.
This book, written in 1938, offers a vivid picture of an Ireland that has all but disappeared. The O'Sullivan family invite the reader to share their many homely adventures. Michael and Brigid brave the wilds and gypsies on an errand for their injured father and come home with a new friend; twins Liam and Francie keep everyone hopping; Mother and Father draw the family together with story-telling, warmth and humor. Then Michael and Brigid find a treasure which changes the course of things for all.
Illustrated by the author.
This is the first book in the Bantry Bay Series. The second book in the series is Francie on the Run. The third book in the series is Pegeen.
The Courage of Sarah Noble Student Guide features teaching guidelines, vocabulary work, comprehension questions, reading activities, optional honors activities, and downloadable enrichment and assessment pages.
The Courage of Sarah Noble Teacher Guide features an introduction, teaching guidelines, notes on reading activities, a model lesson plan, a lesson for every chapter in the novel, optional honors activities, illustration pages, and an appendix containing assessment answers.
Based on a true story, Sarah’s journey is inspiring. And as she cares for her father and befriends her neighbors. she learns to be afraid but still be brave is the greatest courage of all.”
From the publisher: “In the beginning, God created…with these words, the Bible powerfully sets in motion our praise to the Creator for His awesome work. Written and illustrated by David and Helen Haidle, The Creation Story for Children is filled with vibrant images of the week of Creation.”
Tucker is a streetwise city mouse. He thought he'd seen it all. But he's never met a cricket before, which really isn't surprising, because, along with his friend Harry Cat, Tucker lives in the very heart of New York City - the Times Square subway station.
From the Publisher: The Cricket in Times Square Student Guide trains students to become active readers by providing in-depth word studies that help students build vocabulary as well as comprehension questions to teach students to identify important concepts and compose clear, concise answers to questions.