With a new name, but the same, thorough, clearly-outlined rules of English Grammar, The Grammar Guidebook is the second edition to The Comprehensive Handbook of Rules.
Join us for this epic 90-day journey of discovery and prayer around the countries of Asia, visiting sites, experiencing cultures and meeting the locals!
Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure
Adventures Mike Liston, Buddy Davis, Dan Specht, George Detwiler, and John Whitmore brave the aching cold of the Alaskan wilderness. On a hunt for truth amid the shrieks of wild animals, the clouds overhead race swiftly by.
Locked in a remote, frozen wasteland where man has rarely been, lie remains of creatures so mysterious, science can scarcely believe the truth.
A team of scientists and researchers endured incredible hardships to reach a site many would rather avoid - the Alaskan wilderness - and in the process, uncovered unfossilized dinosaur bones. The implications are enormous, for how can dinosaurs be 65 million years old if their bones are still unfossilized?
Join the team and thrill at the photographs and tales of danger, as The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure drops a bombshell on the scientific community.
See once again why true science honors the pages of the Bible.
The author says “It has been my object in these pages of astronomer biography to present the life of each astronomer in such detail as to enable the reader to realize in some degree the man’s character and surroundings; and I have endeavored to indicate as clearly as circumstances would permit the main features of the discoveries by which he has become known.”
This first book in the series is a great combination of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Terrible Two series, and is perfect for fans of Roald Dahl.
The best con man in the Midwest is only ten years old. Tom, a.k.a., the Great Brain, is a silver-tongued genius with a knack for turning a profit. When the Jenkins boys get lost in Skeleton Cave, the Great Brain saves the day. Whether it's saving the kids at school, or helping out Peg-leg Andy, or Basil, the new kid at school, the Great Brain always manages to come out on top-and line his pockets in the process.
The Great Gatsby Student Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.
The Great Gatsby - Teacher Guide is equipped with all answers toThe Great Gatsby - Student Guide as well as all tests and quizzes. This enables educators to guide students through the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages towards the central proposition that gives the story ultimate meaning and expression.
Life story of the father of the Constitution, written for middle and upper grade levels, a must for those doing Constitutional studies.
In the days before microphones and TV interviews, getting people to listen to you was not an easy task. But James Madison used his quiet eloquence, intelligence and passion for unified colonies to help shape the Constitution, steer America through the turmoil of two wars, and ensure America's government, and nation, remained intact.
From the Publisher:
Whether you love it or loathe it, Christmas is certainly hard to ignore. There are parties and plays to attend, shopping and decorating to organize, as well as all that food to eat and presents to receive.
But among all the wrappings and trimmings, the whisper of hope, joy and peace can be hard to hear, let alone understand.
In this short and readable book, Paul Williams 'rips open the paper' from the Christmas message. You’ll discover the greatest gift at the heart of Christmas and how it can transform how you celebrate Christmas this year.
The Greeks: Drama and Lyric covers the beginning of drama and some of the earliest comedies and tragedies known to the Western world. This course includes lectures on the three primary tragedians from the Ancient Greek world by Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides and also one of the most famous writers of Greek comedy, Aristophanes. The course also offers an introduction to Greek lyric poetry from the same era, including passages by Pindar, Sappho, and Quintus of Smyrna. A lecture on the minor epic poetry of Hesiod is also included as a complement to part Greeks: The Epics.
Drama and Lyric Reader is a selection of Greek plays and poetry from early antiquity. It is designed to complement The Greeks: Drama and Lyric, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum. Based on the Great Books of western civilization, Old Western Culture guides students through the literature, history, theology, and philosophy of the West, and does so from a Christian perspective.