Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
1 GradeSku: 9780761470120Singapore Primary Math Tests 4A (Standards Edition)
By: $35.95 -
Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
Take a Look Inside Table of ContentsUnit 6: DecimalsChapter 1: Tenths Chapter 2: Hundredths Chapter 3: Thousandths Chapter 4: Rounding Units 1–6: Cumulative Test A Units 1–6: Cumulative Test B Unit 7: The Four Operations of DecimalsChapter 1: Addition and Subtraction Chapter 2: Multiplication Chapter 3: Division Units 1–7: Cumulative Test A Units 1–7: Cumulative Test B Unit 8: Congruent and Symmetric FiguresChapter 1: Congruent Figures Chapter 2: Tiling Patterns Chapter 3: Line Symmetry Chapter 4: Rotational Symmetry Units 1–8: Cumulative Test A Units 1–8: Cumulative Test B Unit 9: Coordinate Graphs and Changes in QuantitiesChapter 1: The Coordinate Grid Chapter 2: Changes in Quantities Chapter 3: Graphing Changes in Quantities Units 1–9: Cumulative Test A Units 1–9: Cumulative Test B Unit 10: Data Analysis and ProbabilityChapter 1: Organizing and Analyzing Data Chapter 2: Probability Experiments Chapter 3: Order of Outcomes Chapter 4: Bar Graphs Chapter 5: Line Graphs Units 1–10: Cumulative Test A Units 1–10: Cumulative Test B Unit 11: Measures and VolumeChapter 1: Adding and Subtracting Measures Chapter 2: Multiplying Measures Chapter 3: Dividing Measures Chapter 4: Cubic Units Chapter 5: Volume of Rectangular Prisms Units 1–11: Cumulative Test A Units 1–11: Cumulative Test B Answers All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd.1 GradeSku: 9780761427520Singapore Primary Math Tests 4B (Standards Edition)
By: $31.50 -
Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
Take a Look InsideTable of ContentsUnit 1: Whole NumbersChapter 1: Billions Chapter 2: Approximation and Estimation Chapter 3: Factors and Multiples Chapter 4: Prime Factorization Chapter 5: Multiplying by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Chapter 6: Dividing by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Units 1 Cumulative Test A Units 1 Cumulative Test B Unit 2: More Calculations with Whole NumbersChapter 1: Calculations with Parentheses Chapter 2: Methods for Mental Calculation Chapter 3: Word Problems Chapter 4: Multiplication by a 2-Digit Whole Number Chapter 5: Division by a 2-Digit Whole Number Units 1–2 Cumulative Test A Units 1–2 Cumulative Test B Unit 3: FractionsChapter 1: Comparing Fractions Chapter 2: Fractions and Division Chapter 3: Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers Chapter 5: Multiplying a Fraction and a Whole Number Chapter 6: Fraction of a Set Chapter 7: Word Problems Units 1–3 Cumulative Test A Units 1–3 Cumulative Test B Unit 4: Multiply and Divide FractionsChapter 1: Product of Fractions Chapter 2: Word Problems Chapter 3: Dividing a Fraction by a Whole Number Chapter 4: Dividing by a Fraction Chapter 5: More Word Problems Units 1– 4 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 4 Cumulative Test B Unit 5: Perimeter, Area and Surface AreaChapter 1: Square Units Chapter 2: Rectangles and Squares Chapter 3: Area of a Triangle Chapter 4: Area of a Parallelogram Chapter 5: Surface Area Units 1–5 Cumulative Test A Units 1–5 Cumulative Test B Unit 6: RatioChapter 1: Finding Ratio Chapter 2: Equivalent Ratios Chapter 3: Combining Three Quantities Units 1– 6 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 6 Cumulative Test B Answers All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd.1 GradeSku: 9780761470137Singapore Primary Math Tests 5A (Standards Edition)
By: $34.50 -
Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
Take a Look InsideTable of ContentsUnit 7: DecimalsChapter 1: Tenths, Hundredths and Thousandths Chapter 2: Approximation Chapter 3: Add and Subtract Decimals Chapter 4: Multiply and Divide Decimals by a 1-Digit Whole Number Chapter 5: Multiplication by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Chapter 6: Division by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Chapter 7: Multiplication by a 2-Digit Whole Number Chapter 8: Division by a 2-Digit Whole Number Chapter 9: Multiplication by a Decimal Chapter 10: Division by a Decimal Units 1–7: Cumulative Test A Units 1–7: Cumulative Test B Unit 8: Measures and VolumesChapter 1: Conversion of Measures Chapter 2: Volume of Rectangular Prisms Units 1–8: Cumulative Test A Units 1–8: Cumulative Test B Unit 9: PercentageChapter 1: Percent Chapter 2: Writing Fractions as Percentages Chapter 3: Percentage of a Quantity Units 1–9: Cumulative Test A Units 1–9: Cumulative Test B Unit 10: AnglesChapter 1: Measuring Angles Chapter 2: Finding Unknown Angles Chapter 3: Sum of Angles of a Triangle Chapter 4: Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles Chapter 5: Drawing Triangles Chapter 6: Sum of Angles of a Quadrilateral Chapter 7: Parallelograms, Rhombuses and Trapezoids Chapter 8: Drawing Parallelograms and Rhombuses Units 1–10: Cumulative Test A Units 1–10: Cumulative Test B Unit 11: Average and RateChapter 1: Average Chapter 2: Rate Units 1–11: Cumulative Test A Units 1–11: Cumulative Test B Unit 12: Data AnalysisChapter 1: Mean, Median and Mode Chapter 2: Histograms Chapter 3: Line Graphs Chapter 4: Pie Charts Units 1–12: Cumulative Test A Units 1–12: Cumulative Test B Unit 13: AlgebraChapter 1: Algebraic Expressions Chapter 2: Integers Chapter 3: Coordinate Graphs Units 1–13: Cumulative Test A Units 1–13: Cumulative Test B Answers All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd.1 GradeSku: 9780761427537Singapore Primary Math Tests 5B (Standards Edition)
By: $35.95 -
Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
Take a Look InsideTable of ContentsUnit 1: AlgebraChapter 1: Algebraic Expressions I Chapter 2: Algebraic Equations Chapter 3: Algebraic Expressions II Chapter 4: Graphs of Functions Units 1 Cumulative Test A Units 1 Cumulative Test B Unit 2: Fractions and DecimalsChapter 1: Fractions and Decimals Chapter 2: Negative Fractions and Decimals Chapter 3: Comparing Numbers Units 1–2 Cumulative Test A Units 1–2 Cumulative Test B Unit 3: The Four Operations of FractionsChapter 1: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Chapter 2: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Units 1–3 Cumulative Test A Units 1–3 Cumulative Test B Unit 4: PercentageChapter 1: Percentage of a Quantity Chapter 2: Percentage of Change Chapter 3: Simple Interest, Sales Tax and Discount I Chapter 4: Simple Interest, Sales Tax and Discount II Units 1–4 Cumulative Test A Units 1–4 Cumulative Test B Unit 5: Ratio and ProportionChapter 1: Comparing Quantities I Chapter 2: Comparing Quantities II Chapter 3: Comparing Three Quantities Chapter 4: Word Problems Chapter 5: Proportion Units 1–5 Cumulative Test A Units 1–5 Cumulative Test B Unit 6: Rate and SpeedChapter 1: Rate I Chapter 2: Rate II Chapter 3: Speed Chapter 4: Average Speed Units 1– 6 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 6 Cumulative Test B Answers All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd.1 GradeSku: 9780761427643Singapore Primary Math Tests 6A (Standards Edition)
By: $34.50 -
Primary Mathematics Tests is a series of differentiated assessments that provide educators with a systematic way to evaluate student progress and address individual needs. Apart from testing, the problems can also be used for extra practice.Features & Components:
- Each chapter comprises Test A and Test B.
- Each unit concludes with Cumulative Tests A and B.
- Test A consists of free response questions and assesses comprehension of key concepts and problem solving skills.
- Test B consists of multiple-choice questions and tests the application of analytical skills, thinking skills, and heuristics.
- Cumulative Tests include questions from earlier units. These tests focus on review, consolidation, and integration.
- Answers are included in the back of each book.
Take a Look InsideTable of ContentsUnit 7: CirclesChapter 1: Circumference Chapter 2: Area Chapter 3: Composite Figures Units 1-7 Cumulative Test A Units 1-7 Cumulative Test B Unit 8: Volume of Prisms and CylindersChapter 1: Volume of Prisms Chapter 2: Volume of Cylinders Units 1–8 Cumulative Test A Units 1–8 Cumulative Test B Unit 9: AnglesChapter 1 and 2: Adjacent Angles, Vertically Opposite Angles and Angles at a Point Chapter 3: Complementary Angles Chapter 4: Supplementary Angles Chapter 5: Angles and Polygons I Chapter 6: Angles and Polygons II Units 1–9 Cumulative Test A Units 1–9 Cumulative Test B Unit 10: Construction of Triangles and QuadrilateralsChapter 1: Drawing Lines and Angles Chapter 2: Constructing Triangles and Quadrilaterals Units 1– 10 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 10 Cumulative Test B Unit 11: Data HandlingChapter 1: Mean Chapter 2: Population and Sample Chapter 3: Median Chapter 4: Mode Chapter 5: Range Units 1–11 Cumulative Test A Units 1–11 Cumulative Test B Unit 12: ProbabilityChapter 1: Experimental Probability Chapter 2: Theoretical Probability of Simple Events I Chapter 3: Theoretical Probability of Simple Events II Chapter 4: Theoretical Probability of Combined Events I Chapter 5: Theoretical Probability of Combined Events II Units 1– 12 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 12 Cumulative Test B Unit 13: Negative NumbersChapter 1: Additional and Subtraction Chapter 2: Multiplication and Division Chapter 3: Order of Operations Chapter 4: Solving Equations Chapter 5: Graphs of Functions Units 1– 13 Cumulative Test A Units 1– 13 Cumulative Test B Answers All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd.1 GradeSku: 9780761427650Singapore Primary Math Tests 6B (Standards Edition)
By: $35.95 -
Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active student participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
- DecimalsTenths Hundredths Thousandths Practice A Practice B Rounding
- The Four Operations of DecimalsAddition and Subtraction Practice A Practice B Multiplication Practice C Division Practice D Practice E Practice F
- Congruent and Symmetric FiguresCongruent Figures Tiling Patterns Line Symmetry Rotational Symmetry
- Coordinate Graphs and Changes in QuantitiesThe Coordinate Grid Changes in Quantities Graphing Changes in Quantities
- Data Analysis and ProbabilityOrganizing and Analyzing Data Probability Experiments Order of Outcomes Bar Graphs Line Graphs
- Measures and VolumeAdding and Subtracting Measures Multiplying Measures Dividing Measures Practice A Cubic Units Volume of Rectangular Prisms Practice B Practice C
- Grade Four Mathematics Content Standards
- Glossary
- Index
1 GradeSku: 9780761469841Singapore Primary Math Textbook 4B (Standards Edition)
By: $33.95 -
Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active student participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
- Whole NumbersBillions Approximation and Estimation Practice A Factors and Multiples Prime Factorization Practice B Multiplying by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Dividing by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Practice C
- More Calculations with Whole NumbersCalculations with Parentheses Practice A Methods for Mental Calculation Practice B Word Problems Practice C Multiplication by a 2-Digit Whole Number Division by a 2-Digit Whole Number Practice D
- FractionsComparing Fractions Fractions and Division Practice A Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions Practice B Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers Practice C Multiplying a Fraction and a Whole Number Fraction of a Set Practice D Word Problems Practice E
- Multiply and Divide FractionsProduct of Fractions Practice A Word Problems Practice B Dividing a Fraction by a Whole Number Practice C Dividing by a Fraction Practice D More Word Problems Practice E
- Perimeter, Area and Surface AreaSquare Units Rectangles and Squares Practice A Area of a Triangle Practice B Area of a Parallelogram Surface Area
- RatioFinding Ratio Equivalent Ratios Practice A Combining Three Quantities Practice B
- Grade Five Mathematics Content Standards
- Glossary
- Index
1 GradeSku: 9780761469858Singapore Primary Math Textbook 5A (Standards Edition)
By: $33.95 -
Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active student participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
- Decimals Tenths, Hundredths and Thousandths Approximation Add and Subtract Decimals Multiply and Divide Decimals by a 1-Digit Whole Number Practice A Multiplication by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Division by Tens, Hundreds or Thousands Multiplication by a 2-Digit Whole Number Division by a 2-Digit Whole Number Multiplication by a Decimal Division by a Decimal Practice B Review 7
- Measures and Volume Conversion of Measures Practice A Volume of Rectangular Prisms Practice B Review 8
- Percentage Percent Writing Fractions as Percentages Practice A Percentage of a Quantity Practice B Review 9
- Angles Measuring Angles Finding Unknown Angles Sum of Angles of a Triangle Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles Drawing Triangles Sum of Angles of a Quadrilateral Parallelograms, Rhombuses and Trapezoids Drawing Parallelograms and Rhombuses Review 10
- Average and Rate Average Practice A Rate Practice B Review 11
- Data Analysis Mean, Median and Mode Multiplying Measures Histograms Line Graphs Pie Charts Review 12
- Algebra Algebraic Expressions Practice A Integers Practice B Coordinate Graphs Review 13
- Glossary
- Index
- Grade Five Mathematics Content Standards
1 GradeSku: 9780761469865Singapore Primary Math Textbook 5B (Standards Edition)
By: $33.95 -
Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active student participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
- AlgebraAlgebraic Expressions I Practice A Algebraic Equations Practice B Algebraic Expressions II Practice C Graphs of Functions Practice D
- Fractions and DecimalsFractions and Decimals Negative Fractions and Decimals Comparing Numbers Practice A
- The Four OperationsAddition and Subtraction of Fractions Practice A Multiplication and Division of Fractions Practice B
- PercentagePercentage of a Quantity Percentage of Change Practice A Simple Interest, Sales Tax and Discount I Practice B Simple Interest, Sales Tax and Discount II Practice C
- Ratio and ProportionComparing Quantities I Practice A Comparing Quantities II Practice B Comparing Three Quantities Practice C Word Problems Practice D Proportion Practice E
- Rate and SpeedRate I Practice A Rate II Practice B Speed Practice C Average Speed Practice D
- Glossary
- Index
1 GradeSku: 9780761427568Singapore Primary Math Textbook 6A (Standards Edition)
By: $33.95 -
Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active student participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
Take a Look InsideTable of Contents-
- CircleCircumference Area Practice A Composite Figures Practice B
- Volume of Prisms and CylindersVolume of Prisms Volume of Cylinders Practice A
- AnglesAdjacent Angles Vertically Opposite Angles and Angles at a Point Complementary Angles Supplementary Angles Practice A Angles and Polygons I Angles and Polygons II Practice B
- Construction of Triangles and QuadrilateralsDrawing Lines and Angles Constructing Triangles and Quadrilaterals Practice A
- Data HandlingMean Population and Sample Practice A Median Mode Range Practice B
- ProbabilityExperimental Probability Practice A Theoretical Probability of Simple Events I Theoretical Probability of Simple Events II Practice B Theoretical Probability of Combined Events I Theoretical Probability of Combined Events II Practice C
- Negative NumbersAddition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Practice A Order of Operations Practice B Solving Equations Graph of Functions Practice C
- Glossary
- Index
1 GradeSku: 9780761427582Singapore Primary Math Textbook 6B (Standards Edition)
By: $35.95 -
Workbooks provide further practice for students to complete independently in conjunction with textbook exercises. This essential component reinforces learning to create a solid foundation in elementary math.Features & Components:
- Each textbook chapter corresponds to workbook exercises, serving as a learning extension.
- Math at Home activities (G1-2) in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for family involvement in the learning process.
- Review exercises at the end of each unit facilitate evaluation and consolidation of concepts covered in the preceding units.
Take a Look Inside Table of Contents-
- Comparing NumbersExercise 1-6
- GraphsExercise 1-3
- Numbers to 40Exercise 1-20
- MultiplicationExercise 1-7
- Review 10
- Review 11
- DivisionExercise 1-3
- Halves and FourthsExercise 1-3
- TimeExercise 1-4
- Numbers to 100Exercise 1-25
- MoneyExercise 1-5
- Review 15
- Math at Home
1 GradeSku: 9780761469896Singapore Primary Math Workbook 1B (Standards Edition)
By: $27.50 -
Workbooks provide further practice for students to complete independently in conjunction with textbook exercises. This essential component reinforces learning to create a solid foundation in elementary math.Features & Components:
- Each textbook chapter corresponds to workbook exercises, serving as a learning extension.
- Math at Home activities (G1-2) in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for family involvement in the learning process.
- Review exercises at the end of each unit facilitate evaluation and consolidation of concepts covered in the preceding units.
Take a Look Inside Table of Contents-
- Numbers to 1,000Exercise 1-8
- Addition and Subtraction
- Review 2
- LengthExercise 1-4
- WeightExercise 1-3
- Multiplication and DivisionExercise 1-8
- Multiplication Tables of 2 and 3Exercise 1-19
- Review 7
- Math at Home
1 GradeSku: 9780761469919Singapore Primary Math Workbook 2A (Standards Edition)
By: $27.50 -
Workbooks provide further practice for students to complete independently in conjunction with textbook exercises. This essential component reinforces learning to create a solid foundation in elementary math.Features & Components:
- Each textbook chapter corresponds to workbook exercises, serving as a learning extension.
- Math at Home activities (G1-2) in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for family involvement in the learning process.
- Review exercises at the end of each unit facilitate evaluation and consolidation of concepts covered in the preceding units.
Take a Look Inside Table of Contents-
- Addition and SubtractionExercise 1-12
- Multiplication and DivisionExercise 1-10
- MoneyExercise 1-15
- FractionsExercise 1-8
- TimeExercise 1-5
- CapacityExercise 1-3
- Tables and GraphsExercise 1-4
- GeometryExercise 1-6
- Math at Home
1 GradeSku: 9780761469933Singapore Primary Math Workbook 2B (Standards Edition)
By: $27.50 -
Workbooks provide further practice for students to complete independently in conjunction with textbook exercises. This essential component reinforces learning to create a solid foundation in elementary math.Features & Components:
- Each textbook chapter corresponds to workbook exercises, serving as a learning extension.
- Math at Home activities (G1-2) in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for family involvement in the learning process.
- Review exercises at the end of each unit facilitate evaluation and consolidation of concepts covered in the preceding units.
Take a Look InsideTable of Contents-
- Numbers to 10,000Exercise 1-7
- Addition and Subtraction
- Review 2
- Multiplication and DivisionExercise 1-15
- Multiplication Tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9Exercise 1-20
- Data AnalysisExercise 1-6
1 GradeSku: 9780761469940Singapore Primary Math Workbook 3A (Standards Edition)
By: $26.50 -
Workbooks provide further practice for students to complete independently in conjunction with textbook exercises. This essential component reinforces learning to create a solid foundation in elementary math.Features & Components:
- Each textbook chapter corresponds to workbook exercises, serving as a learning extension.
- Math at Home activities (G1-2) in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for family involvement in the learning process.
- Review exercises at the end of each unit facilitate evaluation and consolidation of concepts covered in the preceding units.
Take a Look InsideTable of Contents-
- LengthExercise 1-9
- Weight
- CapacityExercise 1-5
- MoneyExercise 1-7
- FractionsExercise 1-12
- TimeExercise 1-8
- GeometryExercise 1-4
- Area, Perimeter and VolumeExercise 1-8
1 GradeSku: 9780761469957Singapore Primary Math Workbook 3B (Standards Edition)
By: $26.50