The Lays of Ancient Rome are five ballads written by the Englishman Thomas Babington Macaulay and published in 1842. These ballads (lays) celebrate events and heroes in ancient Roman history, and Horatius at the Bridge is the most famous of Macaulay’s ballads. Ballads are narratives that are composed and sung orally. In more primitive societies, before the development of writing, they were an essential means of remembering and celebrating the past.
In this informative book, Gail Gibbons, relates some of the long history horses and humans have shared.
Gibbons looks at horse biology and behaviour, and includes colourful, clear, and accessible diagrams that will interest all who want to know more about these popular animals.
Have you ever wondered what Charlotte Mason actually said about nature study? We did. So we searched through Charlotte’s original writings, looking for all her comments about nature study, and compiled them into this book. Hours in the Out-of-Doors explains all about nature study in Charlotte’s own words. Full of inspiring quotes and lots of practical tips!
Practical—Presents Charlotte’s writings in bite-size chunks with summary statements and quick personal review questions. Modern-day examples offer additional insight into applying CM principles today.
Organized—Arranges all of Charlotte’s nature study comments by topic, such as When to Do Nature Study, the Nature Notebook, and What Nature Study Looks Like.
Encouraging—Motivates and inspires you with wonderful nature quotes from Charlotte Mason and many other great men and women of history, like Claude Monet, Helen Keller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Washington Carver, Albert Einstein, and more!
Easy to Use—Acts as a quick and easy reference book to get you started and keep you going on the right path.
From the publisher:
In this classic story from Eric Carle, Hermit Crab grows out of one house after another as he searches for the perfect home. Children who must change schools, move to a new town, or even graduate to a new grade in school will relate to Hermit Crab’s situation and take heart as they see that growing up isn’t really so scary after all.
Millions of people live in cities around the world, but have you ever wondered how cities work? All those people need clean water to drink, a safe place to live, and a way to get all around the city.
How do you take care of all those people’s needs? Read and find out all about the systems a city has to help keep everyone safe, healthy, and happy.
Follow the story about the King who wants to give the Queen something special for her birthday. The Queen has everything, everything except a bed.
The trouble is that no one in the Kingdom knows the answer to a very important question: How Big is a Bed? because beds at the time had not yet been invented. The Queen's birthday is only a few days away...
Have you ever eaten part of a flower? You have if you have eaten an apple! Find out how an apple grows from bud to flower to fruit–ready for you to pick!
From the Publisher:
Birds don’t need maps!
How do they know which way to fly? Why don’t they get lost? Read and find out the many ideas scientists have come up with to explain this mystery.
From the Publisher:
What is a seed—and will all of them eventually become plants? What happens to plants in winter? Why do leaves come in so many sizes and shapes? Do insects help plants, or harm them? A virtual garden of information grows here for young readers to enjoy.
How many jelly beans are enough?
How many are too many?
Aiden and Emma can't decide. Is 10 enough?
How about 1,000? That's a lot of jelly beans.
But eaten over a whole year, it's only two or three a day...