Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package.
Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
From the Publisher: The Bibletime series by Carine Mackenzie has been praised for the accurate retelling of great Bible stories. This timeless collection has been printed in many languages throughout the world and sold in their millions. They can be read over and over again.
This is an inspiring children’s biography of the great musician Haydn. The story winds its way into the hearts of all music loving children: for it is told with all the understanding, sympathy and appreciation that its two inspired authors have to give. Be inspired by the musical beginning of the boy who later played before kings in palaces, and who has left us some of the most beautiful music ever written.
Study history, geography, and Bible together as a family!
This year of lesson plans features the accounts of Joshua to Malachi, including a study of Ancient Greece and its interactions with Persia—especially her kings who are mentioned in the Old Testament: Darius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Cyrus—along with Italy, Sicily, Macedonia, Syria, Judea and Jerusalem, Babylon, Libya, and Egypt. Geography centers around the Middle East, where so much of the Old Testament took place. Older students add more history and geography books, plus a timeless study of Proverbs.
The Charlotte Mason-style lesson plans
Make the ancient world come alive through living books and Bible readings.
Help your students listen attentively and recall what was read by narrating.
Let you teach the whole family together by sharing some books as family read-alouds, then challenging older students with additional reading and writing assignments from other books on the same topic.
Help all your students, grades 1–12, see how Bible events fit into history.
Connect geography to the people who lived there—both past and present.
Keep things simple by providing helpful reminders of upcoming resources, teaching tips, and Book of Centuries entries.
High School Credit
For the completion of grades 7–9 or 10–12 assignments in this Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greecestudy, we suggest that students should be awarded 1⁄2 credit for History/Geography and 1⁄2 credit for Bible.
If you find yourself wanting to love nature study but not quite sure how to go about it, Journaling a Year in Nature is for you. This guided nature journal will take you by the hand and walk you through the seasons of the year, giving you gentle prompts and timely encouragement every week.
With Journaling a Year in Nature, you will receive
Simple seasonal prompts to give you ideas of what you might look for in nature around you. Thirteen prompts for each of the four seasons of the year (one per week). Complete the prompts in any order within each season.
Inspiring quotes to spark a naturalist’s enthusiasm in your own heart.
Helpful tips to encourage you to feel at home in nature.
Lovely, heavy paper for drawing or painting and plenty of room to record your observations.
A durable laminated cover that can stand up to weekly treks in the out-of-doors.
A spiral binding so your notebook will conveniently lay flat as you record your nature finds.
Order one for each child and one for yourself. Make it a habit to complete this beautiful journal every year, and you may discover that nature is not the only thing that grows!
Shakespeare may have written Julius Caesar as the first of his plays to be performed at the Globe, in 1599. For it, he turned to a key event in Roman history: Caesar’s death at the hands of friends and fellow politicians.
Though a staple in high school English classes, Julius Caesar is not a simple play. Seemingly irreconcilable forces are at work: fate and free will, the changeableness and stubbornness of ambitious men, the demands of public service and the desire for private gain.
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragedy based on the historical events surrounding the death of Caesar, exploring the motivations of the men who orchestrated it and surrounded him in public and political life.
Junk Drawer Ecology is a hands-on guide to saving the planet. Fun, free science activities help kids of all ages learn about the science of our planet’s ecology.
Do you know what a Solanum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pinnatis incises, racemis simplicibus is?*
Carolus (Karl) Linnaeus started off as a curious child who loved exploring the garden. Despite his intelligence—and his mother's scoldings—he was a poor student, preferring to be outdoors with his beloved plants and bugs.
*it's a tomato!
Enrich your child’s primary educational experience with beautiful pieces of art from the most influential artistic movements in history, including the Renaissance, Romanticism, Impressionism, and more!
Enrich your child’s primary educational experience with beautiful pieces of art from the most influential artistic movements in history, including the Renaissance, Romanticism, Impressionism, and more! These supplements are coordinated with Memoria Press’ primary Classical Core Curricula. They are available as 5″ x 7″ Art Cards (K-2) or 11″ x 17″ Art Posters (K-2). The Enrichment Guides contain short biographies of each artist and information about each piece.
Rikki Tikki Tavi × 1 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books × 1 Cinderella × 1 The Gardener × 1 The Ugly Duckling × 1 The Monkey and the Crocodile × 1 Miss Rumphius × 1 One Morning in Maine × 1 The Little Red Hen × 1 Winnie the Pooh × 1