Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater is a classic work of imagination that always delights young readers. Our Study Guide and Teacher Guide increase both the understanding of the text and develop Reading Comprehension skills.
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater is a classic work of imagination that always delights young readers. The Teacher Guide and Student Guide included in the Set will increase the student's Reading Comprehension skills.
Something is definitely wrong with Peter Rabbit . . . he has no appetite! Deciding he is terribly lonely, Peter sets off to visit some friends in the Old Pasture but instead finds himself narrowly escaping the clutches of Hooty Owl, experiencing a nasty encounter with Jed Thumper (a big gray rabbit) and eventually staring right into the soft, gentle eyes of Miss Fuzzytail. Before you know it, Peter has a new bride!
Children will love sharing the adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rabbit as they start a new ― and often precarious ― life together in the Dear Old Briar-Patch. As they enjoy the story, youngsters absorb gentle lessons about nature, wildlife, and simple human virtues. Eight charming new illustrations, based on the originals by Harrison Cady, enhance this delightful tale, newly reprinted in large, easy-to-read type.
Reprint of the Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, 1919 edition.
A picture book celebration of the indomitable Muddy Waters, a blues musician whose fierce and electric sound laid the groundwork for what would become rock and roll.
From the publisher:
This student-friendly text is designed for use in college classes and high school Advanced Placement courses. It includes all the required Latin and English selections from Caesar’s Commentarii De Bello Gallico: Book 1.1-7; Book 4.24-35 and the first sentence of Chapter 36; Book 5.24-48; Book 6.13; and the English of Books 1, 6, and 7.
Readers will put their multiplication skills to use in this clever math adaptation starring the fairy-tale favorite, Rumpelstiltskin.
It's been 10 years since the queen defeated Rumpelstiltskin and now he's back to collect his payment from years before. He causes a stir in the kingdom by making mischief with his multiplying stick and threatens to do far worse if the debt is not repaid. It's up to Peter, the young prince, to take possession of the Rumpelstiltskin’s magical multiplying stick and learn how to use it—and multiply both whole numbers and fractions-- in order to restore peace to the kingdom. A perfect mix of math, fairy-tale, and fun, The Multiplying Menace will get STEM/STEAM readers excited to solve the adventure one number at a time.
From the Publisher:A brand-new study to use with the whole family!
Jump into the world of music and learn about the men and women who created the greatest music of the western tradition.
From the Publisher:
This Teacher Guide is beautiful. It consists of 54 lessons so this study is designed to span 2 years -- that's right, you can purchase one study and get two years worth of required music curriculum!
Please note this item cannot be purchased by itself, but can only be purchased within the Music Appreciation Family Study.
Created to supplement Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1 the coloring book includes two coloring pages for each chapter in the Great Musician Series. Includes over 60 professionally drawn illustrations. The coloring pages are directly related to scenes from the chapter being read.
Note: Available as a USB thumbdrive only.
The Lapbook USB stick provides seven lapbook templates, one for each biography used in Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1. Students will create a lapbook for each composer, allowing them to connect with the music and the lives of these musicians in a hands-on way. These easy to assemble lapbooks will help solidify in your child’s mind: musical concepts, character traits, world geography, and information on the composers’ lives.
A required element when using Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1.
Note: This is only available as a USB Thumbdrive.
The Music audio files provide all of the supplemental music that corresponds with the weekly activities in Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1. On the USB/CDs you will find all of the music that is included in the books, exactly as it is written, an additional thirty-five professionally recorded pieces, plus an explanation and demonstration of each of the instruments in the orchestra from Benjamin Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra. This music will enhance your child’s understanding of the music concepts being taught each week.
A required element when using Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1.