The Magic Lens II follows the same format as the Magic Lens I but builds on it with increasing complexity. It is entirely based on four-level sentence analysis. This analysis of parts of speech, parts of sentence, phrases, and clauses is Michael Clay Thompson's original and enormously successful approach to teaching grammar. It uses his "t-models" to illustrate how sentences are constructed, exquisitely showcasing complex grammar relationships as simple but beautiful illustrations.
This full-color book not only includes a comprehensive look at grammar; it delves deeply into common grammar errors and usage problems and includes detailed explanations of how grammar affects punctuation. Michael often uses the sentences of great classic writers to show children examples of interesting grammar in some of the most famous literary works in the English language. Practice is provided at every stage so that children are immediately applying what they have learned and actively building a thorough understanding of the inner workings of the language.
Note: New to the fifth edition of this book is a special bonus feature: QR codes that link to audio of Michael Clay Thompson talking about important, potentially confusing, or interesting facts about grammar so that children can hear additional grammar content from the author himself.
This is the Instructor manual for the grammar book in Level 7 of the MCT language arts curriculum. Please choose Parent or Teacher option to complete purchase.
Julie lives in Paris, but she longs to walk in a beautiful country garden. When her mother takes her on a visit to rural Giverny, Julie discovers a beautiful garden and befriends the man she believes is the gardener. In fact, he is the garden’s owner, the immortal artist Claude Monet. This is a title in Barron’s Anholt’s Artists Books for Children series, in which author and illustrator Laurence Anholt recalls memorable and sometimes amusing moments when the lives of the artists were touched by children. Anholt’s fine illustrations appear on every page and include reproductions of works by the artists.
The Student Guide contains Vocabulary Questions, Reading Comprehension Questions, and more. The answers are contained in the Teacher Guide (sold separately).
The Magician’s Nephew is (chronologically) the first book of C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. The story follows the adventures of Digory and Polly, who are sent by Digory’s wicked uncle on a quest that takes them to “the wood between the worlds”. From there, they plunge into different worlds, meeting several characters along the way — including Jadis, the Witch, and Aslan, the Lion.
The Magician’s Nephew is (chronologically) the first book of C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. The story follows the adventures of Digory and Polly, who are sent by Digory’s wicked uncle on a quest that takes them to “the wood between the worlds”. From there, they plunge into different worlds, meeting several characters along the way — including Jadis, the Witch, and Aslan, the Lion.
In the town hall of the seaport of St Malo there hangs a portrait of Jacques Cartier, the great sea-captain of that place, whose name is associated for all time with the proud title of 'Discoverer of Canada.' The picture is that of a bearded man in the prime of life, standing on the deck of a ship, his bent elbow resting upon the gunwale, his chin supported by his hand, while his eyes gaze outward upon the western ocean as if seeking to penetrate its mysteries.
Since 1960, both boys and girls have enjoyed reading about Alvin Fernald and his Magnificent Brain. Whenever it kicks into action and a glassy stare comes into his eyes, it’s time to watch out! Because Alvin is thinking up another marvelous invention.
Maybe it’s the Foolproof Burglar Alarm for his bedroom door, or a Sure Shot Paper Slinger for delivering newspapers from his bike. Or a Portable Fire Escape, very handy when it comes time to crawl out the window for a secret meeting with his best pal, Shoie. No doubt about it, as his sister the Pest says, “Alvin is a genius!”
With his best friend Wilfred Shoemaker (Shoie for short) and the Pest, who always tags along, there is never a dull moment as Alvin unfolds the most brilliant plan of his career to solve the mystery surrounding the old Huntley place.
The Student Study Books feature helpful reading notes, extensive vocabulary training, comprehension questions, Socratic discussion questions, work with quotes, and literary and rhetorical devices presented in bold to prepare students for sophisticated literary analysis and/or future work in AP Literature and college classes.
From the Publisher:"God made our minds to run on his track, but instead we chose the track that was cracked.Like fools we live in a tunnel of lies; and fools without God can never be wise."
Based on the opening chapter of Romans, this book engages children with fun rhyme to show how sin muddles our thinking.
A useful tool for aiding gospel-centered conversations with children, The Mind Muddler takes them through a big-picture tour of the whole Bible and reveals that the good news of the gospel is that God doesn’t just show us the brokenness of our mess—he mends it!
Click here for a free download called Behind the Rhyme that looks at the biblical truth behind The Mind Muddler.