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As the days grow colder, little Whitefoot the Wood Mouse decides it is time to find a warm, safe place to spend the winter. The happy little creature finds the perfect spot in Farmer Brown's barn, where he meets a friendly stranger, tumbles into a life-threatening situation, and learns the meaning of the word "trust." A master storyteller, Thornton Burgess instills in his young readers important lessons about animals, nature, and the environment. Rich in the warmth, simplicity, and nostalgic charm of an earlier day, this entertaining tale will beguile today's youngsters as much as it enthralled children generations ago.Reprint of the Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1922 edition.Sku: 9780486449449
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse
By: Burgess, Thornton W.$6.75 -
Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. Young children must be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand firm in the truth.6 GradesSku: 9781935495086
Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?
By: Hay, John Webb, David$71.95 -
For the younger disciples in your home, the Who Am I? Junior Notebooking Journal is designed for students with limited writing skills. This gorgeous spiral-bound notebooking journal includes fun coloring pages, imaginative drawing assignments, full-color mini-books, Scripture copy work with guidelines, simple crossword puzzles, no-stress word searches, and fill-in-the-blank vocabulary exercises. Lesson plans for the parent make this future keepsake easy to use and ready for making memories! Recommended for ages 6–9.3 GradesSku: 9781940110202
Who am I? And What Am I Doing Here? – Junior Notebooking Journal
By: Webb, David Webb, Peggy$51.50 -
This CD can be used alongside the textbook to help young readers along. Emmy winner Marissa Leinart narrates the full audio version of this second book in the What We Believe series. Who Am I? helps children understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God. Through engaging stories and thoughtful assignments, they will begin to develop a healthy, biblical self-image and a sense of God-given purpose that will last a lifetime.6 GradesSku: 9781935495178
Who am I? And What Am I Doing Here? Audio CD
By: Hay, John Webb, David$41.50 -
Designed for use with the book Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?). This full-color, spiral-bound notebooking journal includes lesson plans, artful graphics, imaginative prompts for writing and drawing, puzzles, activities, and mini books. There's even a place on the cover for the child to write his or her name as the author of the journal. The journal includes an "About the Author" page and a section for "endorsements" from friends and family!6 GradesSku: 9781935495536
Who am I? And What Am I Doing Here? Notebooking Journal
By: Webb, David$51.50 -
Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe worldview curriculum. The notebooking journal for Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him? is specifically designed with your student in mind. The notebooking journal is fun and interactive with lots of colorful, hands-on activities to add to your child’s excitement about their growing faith in God.5 GradesSku: 9781935495529
Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? – Notebooking Journal
By: John Hay, David Web$51.50 -
Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe worldview curriculum.5 GradesSku: 9781935495079
Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? – Textbook
By: Hay, John Web, David$71.50 -
Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. Young children must be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand firm in the truth.6 GradesSku: 9781935495093
Who Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me?
By: Hay, John Webb, David$71.95 -
This spiral-bound notebooking journal includes lesson plans for Who Is My Neighbor?, artful graphics, imaginative writing prompts, puzzles, activities, and eight full-color mini books. There’s even a place on the cover for the child to write his or her name as the author of the journal. Your child can personalize the journal with the "About the Author" page and a section for "endorsements" from friends and family!6 GradesSku: 9781935495543
Who Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? – Notebooking Journal
By: Hay, John Webb, David$51.50 -
This CD can be used alongside the textbook to help young readers along. Emmy winner Marissa Leinart narrates the full audio version of this third book in the What We Believe series. Who Is My Neighbor? encourages kids to develop a Christlike servant attitude based on biblical truth. Stories, discussion questions, and activities make this a wonderful study for the entire family.8 GradesSku: 9781935495697
Who Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? Audio CD
By: Hay, John Webb, David$41.50 -
For the younger disciples in your home, the Who is My Neighbor? Junior Notebooking Journal is designed for students with limited writing skills. This gorgeous spiral-bound notebooking journal includes fun coloring pages, imaginative drawing assignments, full-color mini-books, Scripture copy work with guidelines, simple crossword puzzles, no-stress word searches, and fill-in-the-blank vocabulary exercises. Lesson plans for the parent make this future keepsake easy to use and ready for making memories! Recommended for ages 6–9.3 GradesSku: 9781940110219
Who Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? Junior Notebooking Journal
By: Webb, David Webb, Peggy$51.50 -
A lonely little mouse has to be resourceful to bring his family back together. In a series of delightfully imaginary achievements, “nobody’s mouse” transforms himself into the beloved hero of his mother, father, sister, and brand-new baby brother. In their very first collaboration, Robert Kraus and Jose Aruego give charm and validity to one of childhood’s more difficult experiences. Tender and catchy, Robert Kraus’s rhyming text, combined with Jose Aruego’s large, vibrantly clever illustrations, makes for a storytime classic.Sku: 9780689711428
Whose Mouse Are You?
By: Robert Kraus$9.50 -
Growly’s adventure has taken him far from home in search of C.J., his grandfather’s long-lost friend who disappeared over The Precipice.Sku: 9781736229309
By: Philip and Erin Ulrich$17.50 -
Learn about the wonderful creatures who live in the woods and fields as three children record their adventures and observations about the world found around them.4 GradesSku: 9781922619877
Wild Life in Woods and Fields
By: Arabella Buckley$11.95 – $26.50 -
The Will Power guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the question of free will and the concept of fate as discussed by some of the greatest thinkers in the world. Are we free to make our own paths in life, or are our lives predetermined? Is our fate set, or do we create our own fate? The book also provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions, and more.4 GradesSku: 9780898246322
Will Power – Guidebook
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95 -
Will Power is a chapter book that features two kids, Will and Foo, who find themselves in a race against time to stop a man who has developed a frequency that will reveal the human brain to be a machine. In fact, he has already zapped Will, and Will and Foo must stop him before he can broadcast his frequency to the rest of humankind. In the process, they struggle with the question of free will, as discussed by such philosophers as Albert Einstein, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epicurus, Lucretius, and Sartre. They also explore the philosophical skills of making careful observations, defending a position, and tolerating ambiguity.4 GradesSku: 9780898246308
Will Power – Student Book (Perfect Bound)
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95