Winnie-the-Pooh has been beloved by generations of children who have trekked with him on adventures through the Hundred Acre Wood.
This Teacher Guide offers teaching guidelines, answers to all exercises in the Student Guide, and quizzes & tests.
Make sure your student has wisdom for life—now and in the future!
Wisdom for Life: A Proverbs Bible Study, walks your student through discovering the wisdom in Proverbs about eight important topics:
My Relationship with God and His Word
My Speech
Pride and Humility
Parents and Children
Handling Temptation
Your child will actually read through the book of Proverbs eight times over the course of eight months. Each month he will select a topic from the list above and watch for verses in his readings that relate to that topic. After he has discovered and recorded all that wisdom, he will summarize his findings with written narrations.
Biblical—Encourages your student to read the Bible and narrate what it says.
Relevant—Covers eight topics that relate to your student’s life right now and in the future.
Effective—Tracks your student’s progress and keeps his findings organized.
Inductive—Teaches your student to perform a topic Bible study accurately.
Recommended—Incorporated into the Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece history module.
Versatile—Use as an independent study for grades 7–12, an independent study for an adult, or as a combined study for the whole family together.
Your children may know of the psalms, but with WonderFull by best-selling author Marty Machowski, young readers learn to use the whole book of the Psalms to pray, worship, and find help through the challenges life is certain to bring.
Wonders of Old
History comes alive...when your student records significant events in his own hand. This blank timeline book with dates pre-marked from 500BC to 2020AD will allow your student to gain a better understanding of the flow of history.
He will make connections between historical events by recording entries across academic subjects...
great writers
and so much more!
All can be recorded into his own personal book of history. Wonders of Old is divided into four historical time periods: ancient, medieval, new world and modern. Significant dates are listed at the conclusion of each section as a helpful reference.
Ideal resource for the logic stage student to develop important connections between the events of times past. This beautiful book is sure to become a treasured keepsake journal (plus a record of what the student has studied!)
This blank timeline book with dates pre-marked from 5000BC to the present provides your student with a better understanding of the flow of history. Significant dates are listed at the conclusion of each section as a helpful reference.
From the Publisher:
This Student Book includes assignments, blank outlines, source texts, checklists, vocabulary cards, and grammar helps for two levels of students—basic and advanced.
From the Publisher:
This Teacher’s Manual includes the student pages inset, as well as teaching tips, sample whiteboards, games, vocabulary quizzes, and answer keys.
The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple.
We will explore the structure, function, and regulation of the body in detail.
The Wonders of the Human Body Series Volume Two continues to examine the systems of the body revealing both how they have been designed by the Master Creator and how they function.
Beautiful full-color images bring to life the study of the digestive system, metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems which include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems.
Make learning Latin faster and easier with this essential companion to the esteemed classic introductory textbook, Wheelock’s Latin. Reflecting the trend toward more active use of classroom Latin, this supplemental workbook focuses on listening and speaking skills to help students new to the language master its basics.Workbook for Wheelock's Latin offers forty lessons presented in an easy-to-read, clear layout. Each chapter begins with a detailed set of objectives (intellegenda) and continues with a series of questions designed to focus directly on newly introduced grammar (grammatica), as well as:
Transformation drills, word and phrase translations, and other exercises to test and sharpen skills;
Word Power sections that focus on vocabulary and derivatives;
Reading comprehension questions and sentences for translation practice;
Perforated pages for written homework assignments, including space for the student’s name, class, and date.
The basic concepts of the third edition are much the same as the second edition, but include consolidated student books, more drill, and improved Bible tone.
The third edition of Grade 2 is not compatible with the second edition (1992).
Rod & Staff Grade 2 Math Blacklines provides further course work and practice for what they learn throughout the course. These Practice Sheets come on 3-ring punched paper that is meant to be put into a folder so that the sheets may be easily accessed by the student.
Rod & Staff tear-out practice sheets provide extra practice for each student. These are separated into two books; quizzes for the whole course are contained in Book 1.