The Second Year Latin Quizzes & Tests, Second Edition are designed to assess progress and mastery as students make their way through the Henle Latin Second Year program.
This key is intended as an aid to the busy teacher. It should serve to unlock readily and speedily whatever may be difficult or obscure, and to reassure those who wish to be certain that their interpretations are the ones which the author himself would accept.
The new flashcards cover the entire vocabulary of Third Year Latin by Henle. One of the major reasons students struggle in Latin is because they have not adequately mastered the vocabulary. These cards will solve that problem in a flash.
Need a little more guidance on how to use Henle Latin? Our Henle Latin Third Year Quizzes & Tests are the perfect supplement for the Henle Latin series. Created to ensure your students are comprehending the necessary information and are retaining important vocab terms, this text includes twenty-one quizzes and six tests for Cicero, eleven quizzes and three tests for In Catilinam, and a final exam.
The Henle Latin Third Year Student Guide from Memoria Press provides exercises in recitation, word study, grammar, and vocabulary all designed for students to get the most out of their Henle Latin text. Additionally, the guide provides order to the lessons and clarity to the Henle exercises so that students are better equipped to handle advanced translations.
Our Henle Latin Third Year Teacher Manual equips teachers with specific talking points, discussion questions, and a detailed answer key to the Henle exercises. We have provided oral practice exercises for students and have broken each lesson into daily work, aiding students with the organization needed to complete this course.
This Teacher Manual will ease your transition into Henle Latin and provide the background needed for translation success, even for those teachers without a Latin background.
In Henle Latin Third Year, students of Caesar move on to Cicero, the quintessential Roman orator whose Orations against Catiline model for students the methods of rhetoric. In addition to their further pursuit of translation mastery, students learn the rhetorical devices that elevate mere prose into artful and persuasive speech.
Originally published in 1945, the Henle Latin Series teaches Latin the traditional way. For students who have completed the First Form Series, the Henle Latin Series may be started as early as 8th grade.
From the Publisher:
“Thorough mastery of forms, basic syntax, and simple vocabulary are primary objectives that enable students to handle simple readings and translations.”
In the town of Squashbuckle, just about anything can happen, and when Henry Penwhistle draws a mighty Chalk Dragon on his door, the dragon does what Henry least expects—it runs away.
Now Henry’s art is out in the world for everyone to see, and it’s causing trouble for him and his schoolmates Oscar and Jade. If they don’t stop it, the entire town could be doomed!
To vanquish the threat of a rampaging Chalk Dragon, Sir Henry Penwhistle, Knight of La Muncha Elementary School, is going to have to do more than just catch his art—he’s going to have to let his imagination run wild. And that takes bravery.
This curriculum guide is intended to provide a teacher or parent with ideas and tools for using Henry and the Chalk Dragon to enhance writing, vocabulary, and comprehension skills while at the same time encouraging kids to use their imaginations and to be creative. Suitable for a traditional classroom, a homeschool group, or a family reading the book together, the activities and worksheets are aimed at 2nd through 4th grade students but are adaptable to other ages as needed.
Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 focuses on familial relationships. The Henry IV, Part 1 Student Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.
Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 focuses on familial relationships. One father-son pair is King Henry IV and Prince Hal. Hal’s dissolute life and roguish friends cause his father to despair. The Henry IV, Part 1 Student Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.
Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 focuses on familial relationships. The Henry IV, Part 1 Student Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.