Thirty-six drawing lessons give students their first in-depth look at the elements of art in simply written text and video lessons.Sku: 9781939394309
ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Graphite Pencils – Beginner Level (Art Core 1)
By: Brenda Ellis$79.95 -
This advanced course is perfect for the more experienced art student needing a High School art class or in preparation for a college-level course. Students discover their own creative strengths in the arts using source materials of their choice to create drawings in water-soluble and graphite pencils.4 GradesSku: 9781939394347
ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing With Water Soluble and Graphite Pencils – Advanced Level (Art Core 5)
By: Brenda Ellis$79.95 -
Students can take their interest in color theory to the next level, with an in-depth look at working in acrylics. This Intermediate Level course equips your child in practicing color principles necessary to grow as an artist. The focus of this course is to help your child see and use the values of colors to render form convincingly. Understanding the color wheel and mixing colors successfully are key components as your child works with various applications that include impasto, glazing, textured surfaces, and more.2 GradesSku: 9781939394330
ARTistic Pursuits: Painting with Acrylics – Intermediate Level (Art Core 4)
By: Brenda Ellis$79.95 -
Thirty-six painting lessons give students their first in-depth look at the elements of color in simply written text and video lessons.Sku: 9781939394316
ARTistic Pursuits: Painting with Watercolor Pencil – Beginner Level (Art Core 2)
By: Brenda Ellis$79.95 -
Students can take their interest in color theory to the next level, with an in-depth look at working in watercolors. This Advanced Level course equips your child in practicing the color principles necessary to grow as an artist. Nine video lessons aid students in working independently as they learn new techniques and practical tips for working with watercolor pan paints; while exploring wet-on-dry, wet-in-wet techniques, lifting, tonal values, brushstrokes, washes, special effects, and more.4 GradesSku: 9781939394354
ARTistic Pursuits: Painting with Watercolors – Advanced Level (Art Core 6)
By: Brenda Ellis$79.95