Regarding the Rod & Staff Grade 1 Math set, the publisher says: “The basic concepts of the 3rd Edition are much the same as the 2nd Edition. However, the edition provides improved Bible tone, offers more variety in artwork, and gives more drill in some weak areas.” Rod & Staff Grade 1 Math Flashcards are not included in this set.
Beginning Arithmetic: Grade 1 Set
By: $107.75 -
This hardcover textbook has 170 lessons, counting tests. Lesson concepts are explained in the student text.
Gaining Skill With Arithmetic 5: Set
By: $98.30 -
The Rod & Staff Grade 4 Math Set includes the following: Teacher Manuals Parts 1-2, Student Book, Tests, Speed Drills, and the Speed Drill Packet.
Progressing with Arithmetic 4: Set
By: $118.25 -
The Rod & Staff Grade 6 Set includes the Student Book, the Teacher’s Manual (Parts 1 & 2), Chapter Tests, and Quizzes and Speed Tests.
Understanding Mathematics 6: Set
By: $94.85 -
Continuous review is built into the lessons and simple reading problems are practiced frequently. This set is Rod & Staff's Grade 2 Math.
Working Arithmetic 2: Set
By: $146.20